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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 319330 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #756 on: January 21, 2013, 06:59:50 PM »

Hey sipar69,

No problem with the greyed out packs. The greyed out ones simply mean that if you ever deactivate the packs (not sure why you would) you should do so in reverse order - that is it stops you deactivating those until the one that overwrote it is deactivated first


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #757 on: January 23, 2013, 07:04:47 AM »

The Pe-2 batch 206 is forgotten in air.ini only
(it is just a line to add to have him)
Pe-2series206     air.PE_2SERIES206 1                           r01


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #758 on: January 23, 2013, 10:43:37 AM »

Hey sipar69,

No problem with the greyed out packs. The greyed out ones simply mean that if you ever deactivate the packs (not sure why you would) you should do so in reverse order - that is it stops you deactivating those until the one that overwrote it is deactivated first

Thanks for taking the time to reply :)


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #759 on: January 26, 2013, 01:12:23 AM »

I just got this installed and am really, really enjoying it.  Thanks all the hard work--Monty and everyone else.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #760 on: January 27, 2013, 12:12:12 AM »

3.) Ju-88 and Ju-188 have some weird things going on with their gear, like their on Ecstasy or LSD (main gear comes through the engine). (A4, A4 torp, A17, and G6 are affected, C6 is okay...)

Tally Ho!

I´ve done a complete reinstall of my game. Deletade ALL files related to Il-2, installed it, then put the DBW pack who patches it to 4.10.1 and DBW 1.71, everything worked fine.
Activated TFM 1 to 20 and here they are again. Ju 88 gear is going upside down...
I have no idea what this could be caused by, maybe installing the parts affecting the Ju 88 again from another archive?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #761 on: January 27, 2013, 05:44:19 PM »


I can't make the Full Monty packs working. My setup is:
- Il-2 Platinum Collection (a Russian all-in-one release, 4.09m with some additional campaigns)
- 4.10 and 4.10.1 patches
- UP3RC4
- DBW 1.71
All above is clean, unspoiled installs, and they're works fine on each step (game language changes from Russian to English after UP install, though, but it's all right?)
When I'm installing the Monty Packs, everything goes FUBAR. Usually, loading halts at 70%, or there is no loading at all (selector just closing). No other mods, no DBW mods such as wide-screen support or forgotten countries.
So, the question is, what am I doing wrong, and what shall I do? Can it be a language problem (again, I'm running a Russian version)?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #762 on: January 28, 2013, 01:41:24 AM »

G'day finally got the nerve to DL this, BUT media fire refuses to allow the download, I get ZIP file size problems and they won't DL. IS there a torrent for the full available please ?
thanks  SHARKZZ ~S~
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #763 on: January 28, 2013, 06:11:55 AM »

Same for me - DL all -  checked it - activated via JSGME - and it don't start at all. I also second the opinion to make one big working file of it that is also not very complicated to get it to work. Maybe this wish can come true - I really would like to try it though... :(
"United we stand against Evil." #FCKPTN. #SlavaUkraini


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #764 on: February 01, 2013, 06:17:03 AM »

When the torrent link will be activated?

ol' Navy

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #765 on: February 03, 2013, 09:57:56 AM »

Well, here I am again (all 70 yrs of me), I'm guessing showing my ignorance, but with questions as usual. I would really like to try this Full Monty thing, but I have a couple of uncertainties.  I have DBW 1.71, the "Clean DBW Modding Packs" from Windwpn installed and working.  I have downloaded 1-20 Full Monty downloads, as well as the fixes and patches and the #DBW folder.  I read here I need to first deactivate all the mods in JSGME, then move my current #DBW folder someplace else and put the new one in, then put all the packs into the JSGME folder (after patches and fixes), activate them one by one (in sequence), then play the game.  Does this sound correct?  I'm primarily concerned about the order in which I do it, and, of course, that I am missing a step.  And also, if you can bear with me for just one more question - what happens to the mapmods I recently installed?  I had one devil of a time doing them, but the really helpful guys here in the forum worked with me and now they are all functioning.  Do I lose them?  Sorry for my ignorance once again, but I just blame old age.  In my case anyway, it is really an excuse I'm sorry to say.  Any advice/assistance is really appreciated.  Thanks.     


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #766 on: February 03, 2013, 10:55:08 AM »

You can build a TFM in two ways, doing it via jsgme or just take the vanilla #DBW folder and dropping the mods in one at a time and starting the game to see if it works.  First disable all the jsgme mods and put a dash in front of your #DBW folder  (-#DBW) this way you can leave your mods intact and not have to rebuild your current DBW folder if you want to go back to it.  With the dash (-) in front it disables that folder.  Put the new #DBW folder in your root il2 folder, you can put all the TFM folders into your jsgme folder and enable them that way, or do the direct over write method, and use the jsgme to enable Forgotten Countries, ecran wide, TIR....etc...

Make sure you over right packs 11, 12 and 13 with their patches before you drop them into the jsgme or overwrite method.  I know TFM pack #1 has been a problem for some people because the .rc file is not correct, there is a patch for that one too people forget to download, or it's just forgotten.

My .rc file:
Code: [Select]
@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdParam NAME param \
HELP param <name of command> [<name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME load \
  load <full class name> \n \
\t[NAME <command name>] \n \
\t[HELP <help string>] \n \
\t[PARAM <name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME unload \
HELP unload <command name>
@param unload DELETE on

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME file PARAM CURENV on \
HELP file <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in current environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME f \
HELP f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME set \
HELP set <name of atom> <string>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME del PARAM REMOVE on \
HELP del <name of atom>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME show \
HELP show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME history PARAM HISTORY on \
HELP history

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME help PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP help [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME ? PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP ? [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdAlias NAME alias \
HELP alias [<name> <string>] | [<name> REMOVE]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKey NAME hotkey \
HELP hotkey [<hot key> CMD <command>] [ENV [<environment>]] [CMDRUN [<cmdrun>] [REALTIME]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKeyCmd NAME hotkeycmd \
HELP hotkeycmd [ENV [<environment>]] [EXEC <name> [TIME <sec>]] [START <name>] [STOP <name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdActorSpawn NAME spawn \
  spawn <actor class name> \n \
\t[NAME <name>] [POSP <position>] [POSO <orientation>] \n \
\t[BASED <actor name for calculate position and orientation>] \n \
\t[BASE <name base actor>] [HOOK <name hook base actor>] \n \
\t[OWNER <name owner actor>] \n \
\t[ICON <icon name>] [MESH <mesh name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdTimeout NAME timeout \
HELP timeout <timeout in ms> <command name> [<params>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console0 \
  console0 [WRAP [on|off]] [PAGE [<size>]] [PAUSE [on|off]] [CLEAR] \n \
\t[HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGTIME [on|off]] \n \
\t[LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console \
  console [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] \n \
\t[LOG [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFObj NAME fobj \
HELP fobj [mask] [RELOAD]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFS NAME sfs \
HELP sfs [MOUNT <lib name> [<as path>]] [UNMOUNT <lib name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdGC NAME GC

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdPreload NAME preload \
HELP preload [<name of resource>] [SAVE <file name>] [REGISTER] [NOREGISTER] [CLEAR]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdWindow NAME window \
HELP window [<width> [<height> [<bpp> [<stencilbits>]]]] [FULL] [PROVIDER <name.dll>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFov NAME fov \
HELP fov [<angle>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdMission NAME mission \
HELP mission [LOAD <name>] [BEGIN] [END] [DESTROY]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdTOD NAME tod \
HELP tod [<hour.min>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocket NAME socket \
 <empty>          (list protocols)\n \
 LISTENER [<0|1>] (enable/disable connect from remote hosts)\n \
 JOIN [BREAK]     (show status join/ break join)\n \
 <protocol>       (list sockets)\n \
 <protocol> CREATE [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] [CHANNELS <n>] [SPEED <n>]\n \
 <protocol> CHANNELS <n> [SPEED <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> SPEED <n> [CHANNELS <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> DESTROY [LOCALHOST <nm>] LOCALPORT <n> [HOST <nm>] [PORT <n>]\n \
 <protocol> JOIN [LOCALHOST <nm>] [LOCALPORT <n>] HOST <nm> [PORT <n>] [SPEED <n>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocks NAME socks \
HELP socks [ON|OFF] [HOST <socks host addr>] [PORT <socks host port>] [USER <user name>] [PWD <password>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdChannel NAME channel \
 <empty>  (list channels)\n \
 <number> [DESTROY] [SPEED <b/s>] [TIMEOUT <sec>] [STAT <sec>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHost NAME host \
 <empty>  (list hosts)\n \
 PATH   (list pathes)\n \
 <name> (rename local host)

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdUser NAME user \
HELP [<name>|<*>] [# <N>] [ARMY <N>|<name>] [STAT]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKick NAME kick \
HELP <name>

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKickN NAME kick# \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdBanned NAME ban \
 [ADD] [REM] [NAME [<name>]] [PATTERN [<pattern>]] [IP [<ip mask>]]\n \
 [CLEAR] [LOAD [<file name>]] [SAVE [<file name>]]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdChat NAME chat \
HELP <message> [ALL] [MY_ARMY] [TO# <N>] [TO <name>|<*>] [ARMY <N>|<name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio0 NAME rch \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio NAME radio \
HELP radio [<name>] [NONE] [COMMON] [ARMY] [LIST]

@load com.maddox.sound.CmdMusic NAME music \
HELP music [PLAY] [STOP] [BREAK] [VOL] [PATH <randpathname>] [FILE <filename>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdDotRange NAME mp_dotrange \
HELP mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR <km>] [DOT <km>] [RANGE <km>] [TYPE <km>] [ID <km>] [NAME <km>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFPS NAME fps \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSpeedBar NAME speedbar \
HELP speedbar [SHOW|HIDE]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdExtraOcclusion NAME extraocclusion \
HELP extraocclusion [ON|OFF]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSaveWeapons

@sfs MOUNT fb_3do.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do21.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do22.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_planes01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_08.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_textures01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_textures02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_20.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_effects01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_12.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_decals_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cod_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_cntrl.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_basic_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cntrl_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

if you scan down to the bottom you will see
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs
which you need to get Clay's 190 pack to load from SFS files, this is missing in some TFM #1 packages.

The jsgme is the easiest way to do it, but it takes a good bit of time to get it installed.  If you understand the il2 root and sub folder construction the direct dump method is the quickest way to go.
But what ever you do, once you load a section start the game and make sure it loads, and you got the content listed in the documentation folder of the pack.  Once it's up and running with all 20 packs installed, with just the TFM in it make a back up of it and one of the Vanilla #DBW folder, cause if yer like me you'll need it.

As to the MapMods, I'm pretty sure anything you have is in the TFM...... if not they are easy to load...... I took my The Full Monty mapmods folder and dumped into my Totally Freakin Mikey's version of TFM and it works right out of the starting gate.  If you want to use your Mapmods folder just put a dash (-) in front of the TFM version and use yours. 

Remember load one folder, make sure you installed the patches and then start the game, make sure it works, and load the next one.  I also turned off my anti-virus... took half the time it did with it on...... which means I did it more than once........ hence the advice to back up the good copy....... ;D



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #767 on: February 03, 2013, 11:53:18 AM »

Thank you very much for your really quick and concise response.  As I have mentioned here before, oftentimes I get answers to my questions but I am really at a loss to understand what I am being told.  It isn't the responder's fault, it is entirely mine.  I think you covered it pretty well, and I will do as you say.  I'm never real sure about the file structure you mentioned, so I will try it the "long" way.  I have pretty much time on my hands, notwithstanding my grandkid sitting duties. :)  Thanks again.  Hopefully you won't hear from me again on this.
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