Yep, and I'd like Gerd to finish the F8F Bearcat cockpit, and Crazyflak to finish the B26, and new Skyraider & loadouts, and someone to do the early French Jets, Anto to make the Cougar compatible with UP3/HSFX..........Ranwers to do another later Meteor, and Oceanic Group to release the Vampire/Whirlwind...........oh yeah and win the Lottery so I can pay these guys to make what I want and make it worth their while..........
DBW, UP3 will have the new content from 4.11.1, and eventually 4.12, as they (the ones that Mod) have stated before, they will adapt content of the new patches get them working in DBW/UP/and maybe HSFX as they are developed, or they will develop mods Diadalos hasn't thought of..... there's no reason to duplicate Mods, it's a waste of effort, and resources................
Like I mentioned before.... be patient.
And there is a mod out now where you can change the default skin..... to one of your choice... do a search for it.....