The F-14 COULD have operated from the Midway, as it was (somewhere) in the requirement when first issued around 70 (give or take a yr). I remember reading a bit about that in some of the articles In "Proceedings" magazine in the mid 70s when I subscribed to it (the US Naval institute's mag). There was some kinda criticism of it being only able to operate from too few carriers (and some other silly crap that anti-defense critics who know nothing of the subject matter made - some things never change), and it also came up again when there were some arguments regarding the Navy's aquisition of the F-18 in the mid 70s, that these arguments were being used from various sides of the readiness issue. I don't know if they ever flew off the Midway to prove the point, but they could have fully loaded with AIM-54s and external tanks, according to the articles I read at the time. Those mags are stashed in a bldg somewhere, or I'd get them out.
I think it's a good idea to go ahead and make the Midway, since it would give the F-4s a realistic platform as well. I do know that the Navy never operated them from Essex class CVs, although I have no idea if htey could have or not; they were able to fly the A-3D/KA-3D, though it had a horrid accident rate.
Your time is yours of course, and we all appreciate any work you do on this subject, but I for one would build a snowman in your honor if you did finish the Midway with the big deck. Please note I said "DECK".