First of all I would like to thank those involved with the wonderful Seafury mod we have and all the other great mods. My request is two part, one being rather more complex than the other.
Seafury and HayrakeHaving just upgraded to 4.10 the wonderful world of Radio navigation has been opened to me. However
the poor Seafury cannot make use of the carriers Hayrake system. I believe it can in HSFX v6.0 however im using
Ultrapack 3rc4 and ive just finally managed to everything working so didnt fancy changing. If possible would
a small standalone fix for the Seafury be possible to rectify this? May i add an apology just in case this already
exists and ive some how overlooked it.
Seafury CockpitThe bigger of the two requests, would a Seafury cockpit be possible at all? Ive searched the web and most of
the available Seafury cockpit pictures conflict with other pictures. It seems the various airworthy Seafurys have individually
modified cockpits so no two seem to be the same. However this drawing seems to be about the best out there. Perhaps
some of the folks here have some pictures they could share. If a full cockpit is difficult perhaps somehow adding a gyro
gunsight would help in authenticating the Seafury a little more without the work of a full pit.
Once again thankyou for all the hard work everyone here has being doing here.