This is a map of the Falklands/Malvinas and the South Georgia islands. This map was cut out of the Atlantico Sur map so credit for this map goes to Baco and RealDarko for the original.
Farang- For so much its hard to list it all. Spot texturing, airfields, coastal work and so much more.
Blumax- For cutting out this map, airfields, taxi and parking points for the AI planes, Teaching me unlocked FMB and constant moral support.

Agracier- For the Map ed. " The picture of the map before you zoom in to the map."
1- Place the BA_Falklands_Malvinas folder in your maps folder.
2- Place the BA_FalkMal folder in your _tex folder.
3- Add the all.ini entry to your all.ini in your maps folder.
4- Place the 3do folder in your MapMods "#DBW/MapMods/" folder so you will have two folders in there. The 3do folder ann the Maps folder.
5- Add the static.ini entry to your static.ini. Do a search in the static .ini for PCPPlate and place the new entry under that one.

Here are a few pics of the real place...
The Falklands/Malvinas...

The South Georgia islands...

My pictures....

I have also included a mod for new rusty metal runway plates because I would think because of the snow and ice and salt air it would rust out the metal plates that I would think they need there for traction. I need to work on them a bit more to make them look better but I'll post an update later.

I have had so much help from some of the best mappers out there. I thank you all. Farrang, Blumax and Agracier. Without all of you and your help this map would have not been.
I am proud of how how I was able to get 90% or better no tile effect. There may be some but not a lot. I hope you all enjoy it. with G's penguins...,30572.0.htmlUPDATE: I took a few minutes today to update the map. It only affects the South Georgia islands. Added more snow and some ice flows that I saw on google earth.

Credit for textures goes to Blumax.
Just replace the map folder and tex folder and thats it.