This AC and the F8F could have been intercepting Kamikazes off Japan if hte war had gone on much longer; though as it was, the Navy decided to go with the Bearcat. Dollars to doughnuts the Navy would have had goodyear put it in production had the war gone on. A few yrs ago, there was still one of the few built being raced at Reno.
Here's a list of the ones built and a short history. Looks like there were 10 built in 2 versions. I just found out that two mos ago the only flying F2G was destroyed in preparation for an airshow. The pilot was killed, Bob Odegaard, was a legendary warbird owner and race pilot. odegaard restored the other F2G that's flying before he restored this one. I really wish they would limit the aerobatics they do with these birds, no matter how qualified they are. Loops and barrel rolls aren't really needed to show what they can do, as much as I love watching them fly. There's some photos here to. model in 1945 markings.
Part of the wreckage of the one that crashed in Sept.
The AC that crashed, restored in the original colors it had raced in back in the late 40s. The Navy (Halsey) ordered that 5 of the 10 AC built be sold surplus for a few hundred $, to compete with Former AF P-51s that were winning all the races; other Corsairs had not faired to well against them.
This is the first one that was restored, in its historical racing colors; they sometimes flew together at airshows.
The AC that was destroyed. Incredibly gorgeous.
This is one of the 5 that were surplused by the Navy. The bulge forward appears on some like this one that have not been modified yet, so I think this is one of the two versions.
Test flight in 44 or 45.
Post war at the Navy test center.
It lists 4 .50s as armament, I guess to decrease wieght as they did in the F8F. I would've thought 4 20mm would have been preferred by the Navy, as it was later in the post war Corsairs.
Thanks for all the effort you put into this. I hope to be worthy in my FMB use of this AC when it's released.