Why does the Movie "Battle of Britain" run over and over in my mind while I read this? There are so many great "phrases" in that, in unique and colorful "British" (you guys don't speak anything like English
) as well as German, which I have no idea what is being said, but it sure sounds cool. - Picture the Luftwaffe gruppenleader wearily rolling his eyes around over his O2 mask (looking for Spits) while ordering his 109 guys to quit b*tching about having to stick with the bombers.
AND....(RAF theme to BoB plays) the annoyed RAF Hurricane instructor with the funky scarf ordering his Polish students to take a particular course.......All of them saying "Repit pleez" as they roll off to attack the huge gaggle of He-111s sneaking in the back door so to speak (uh oh, I forgot about the cross dressing thing
), don't tell anybody I said that).
I think the term "Oh God's truth" would sound pretty good.
Or Robert Shaw and his even more annoyed transmissions:
RAF control: "Well they've got to be there."
Squadron leader Shaw, "Well come up here and see for yourself, Nothing I tell you, NOTHING !"
Or when his son's Spit is on fire; "Get out AAANDY!!" Triggered by your plane burning etc. ???
You can tell I've seen BoB too many times since forcing my late poor Grandmother to sit thru 2 showings in the DeSoto Theatre back in 69 when it came out. (you could do that back then).
And don't even get me started on Robert Mitchum and Robert Wagner's exchanges in "The Hunters". Or Steve McQueen in "the War Lover".
Those bandit calls would freak us all out in bomber misns.
I guess I better shut up before I inspire somebody to do something that would offend the sensibilities of some blood sucking GDMFSOB lawyer someplace
. I'm gonna go back into the FMB now.
(But I can't help but wonder how practical or workable it would be to take selected recordings out of movies and associate them with the appropriate triggers or if it's even possible. I'm still having to relearn the FMB with all the mod stuff).