Please don´t be dissapointed with this mod. Personally I like it very much.
The creators know its not completely finished, I am sure. Everyone is so busy these days and there is
always a shortage of hands to help us out.
Would you care to help us also?
Most mod aircraft are works in progress.
They are always being worked on constantly. As an example, just look at what the TD team is currently doing to the
original game (once more). They are still fine tweaking the game to push it along for more realism for us all to enjoy it
even more. Many Mod-teams are working hard to push this game and its arplanes to be even better.
These things are always a work in progress.
All in good time, I am sure we´ll take a good closer look at this fine airplane and tweak it to perfection once
more. But even then, it will always needs a few more little details done to it... always a work in progress.