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Author Topic: IL2 3D Cockpits  (Read 20754 times)

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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 12:14:12 PM »

who is modding Cliffs of Dover?

CloD is unmoddable thanks to steam and no mod support from developers.

OH THE AGONY!!  :'( 
Civilization and human progress will surely fall back into the Dark Ages once again!  :(
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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 12:24:42 PM »

who is modding Cliffs of Dover?

CloD is unmoddable thanks to steam and no mod support from developers. Maybe one day...

I suspect that Eaglesoft's DCS series will evolve into something more like what we are looking for.  With it's Flanker and LO:MAC heritage, it is reasonably moddable, the studio is doing well financially, and they're actively engaged in growing the product and interacting with the audience base.  DCS Mustang is pretty impressive so far and if they're willing to open up some levels of user modability, I suspect most of the content we see in IL-2 will start blossoming in short order in the DCS engine, either under Eaglesoft's banner or from the community.

I had high hopes for CloD but the sad truth is that given the market dynamics right now in PC entertainment, it was a living fossil - a holdover from the single package disc-release era - before it even reached our hands.  The economics for monolithic releases of PC games as development-intensive as something like CloD just don't work anymore the way they did over a decade ago when IL-2 was released.  As much as I hate closed gardens and microtransactions, digital distribution and buy-as-you-go models like RoF are how PC games make money today.   :(


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 04:02:37 PM »

And imagine how long it would take to make a modded aircraft in clod... with those HD skins, extremely detailed 3d models and those damage meshes and don't forget those hooks, hooks everywhere.


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2012, 08:23:00 PM »

I don't play CloD very much because the outstanding graphics are not enough
to overcome flying over the channel all the time the game becomes boring with such a limited scope of battle.
I'm not sure how or why CloD fell into such a pathetic state - I hoped it would have been patched and eventually modded.
I'm also sure it is not easy, but in fact hard to crack the game and mod it, have it stable, 
Would  the games creators even care if it was cracked and modded?

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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2012, 08:30:06 PM »

Actually there have already been mods published for CoD, from the very first release.
Problem was that it was broke, unstable and unsuitable for further modding. People were waiting for the holy frail fix to start kidding and it never came.


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2012, 07:04:24 AM »

Between 1C:Maddox Games , Daidalos Team , all the code savvy people at SAS and Ultrapacki-IL2 War
it would seem that if everyone attempted to hack away at Cliffs of Dover and everyone was only 2%-5% successful
then we would all obtain some collective breakthroughs.

When you take an "out of the box IL2 4.07m" & look at where it is now with 4.11- UP RC3 and DBW
you can see that this combat-flight sims community members are some of  the most passionate and technologically advance gamers
in this type of game.

Most certainly the best parts of Cliffs of Dover can be replicated for use in IL2 , or
eventually the basic game template and platform with all the hooks and light mods can become a platform
that we can dump everything we all have learned from modding IL2 into a Cliffs of Dover type of platform.

In any case it's seems there are continuing breakthroughs in IL2 with better a/c templates, HD skins
and especially the map modding skills - the growth in this game is really evident in
the better and better maps coming out - however we are beginning to bump up against the design ceiling of this game
and it may become necessary to find another platform if we want to be able to develop IL2 at the pace we have been going at since 2000.



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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2012, 07:46:21 AM »

 ... well hacking Cliffs of Dover would most probably be a totally different story ...

If IL2 is, at least commercially, dead, this is not the case of Cliffs of Dover, even if it currently smells funny, so Maddox games and Ubisoft would probably not let Cliffs of Dover be hacked that easily ...


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2012, 08:42:39 AM »

Not so sure about that, Mick- wouldn't be at all surprised if IL2:1946 currently outsells CloD 2:1 or better.


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2012, 11:27:51 AM »

Not so sure about that, Mick- wouldn't be at all surprised if IL2:1946 currently outsells CloD 2:1 or better.



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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2012, 12:45:40 PM »

I must say, our repainted mod cockpits are even more beautiful that Cliffs of Dover airplane cockpits.
I hope this statement was meant as a joke! :) Not taking away from anybodies hard work on IL2 cockpits mind you.

NO, I meant it very seriously Ice-man.
Have YOU really looked at some of our cockpits close-up and the fine details?
I respect very much the artists who dedicate their personal time to making our game the best it
could ever be.
If you have any idea what it really takes to paint and texture a complete IL-2 aircraft cockpit (or skin-template) from nothing to a final finished work, then you would also agree with my post.
It seems you are the one making a mockery out of every cockpit painter artist out there and that
includes making a mockery about my posted comment. I don´t like that.
Yeah, I know what you´re going to say... "I also painted a 109 cockpit before and some skins" , so
why did you post what you said?
I don´t understand you sometimes man.

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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2012, 03:25:48 PM »

I also think that some of our repainted stuff looks as good as CoD cockpits (minus the dynamic shadows of course).
Flushmeister, Mangas, Cromhunt cockpits just to mention a few examples...


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Re: IL2 3D Cockpits
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2012, 03:37:08 PM »

...and may I also add the names of Istvan VPmedia, Texx and BT~Wasted for
their latest contributions to the fine cockpit paints and textures we have recently
had the pleasure to enjoy in our new mod-airplanes. If they were not that great, I would
not even mention them, but I have to.
It involves a tremendous amount of work and time to create such life-like cockpits for this
old game. I enjoy them tremendously. Such beautiful eye-candy for an aviation fan!
If one day we can get those dynamic highlight and shadow effects into the IL2 , then
these cockpits and skins will truly come to life even more. The detailed work has already
been done to them, all it needs now is those special lighting effects such as we see in these
more modern games.
Perhaps one day we will. We must never lose hope.

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