do you just drop the mod in the mods folder? i have 4.09
If you are using mod activator or some version which have MODS folder, then yes. I am using hsfx and I just put it in Files folder.
I think that could be because the canopy of some planes is already tinted. For glow try to change .mat file like a wrote to CWMV earlier. I think it helps.
ClassName TMaterial
tfDoubleSide 0
tfShouldSort 1
tfDropShadow 0
tfGameTimer 1
Ambient 0.28
Diffuse 0.10
Specular 0.0
SpecularPow 0
Shine 0.5
TextureName darkglass.tga
Frame 0.0
VisibleDistanceNear 0.0
VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4
AlphaTestVal 0.5
tfNoDegradation 0
tfWrapX 1
tfWrapY 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
tfMipMap 1
tfBlend 0
tfBlendAdd 1
tfTestA 0
tfTestZ 0
tfUpDateClear 1
tfModulate 1
tfNoTexture 0
tfAnimatePalette 0
tfAnimateSkippedFrames 0
tfCompressMajorAlpha 0
tfNoCompress16Bit 1
tfNoWriteZ 1
@Herra Tohtori
I think that pilots are different objects. So it would be less job to add it to the pilots rather than the planes, but this way works also. The best solution would be to add it to all cameras (all that we see) in game.
That would be great if you have a time. There is difference when something is done by someone who actually knows what he is doing and when something is done by me, and I don't have a clue
I think that we need just a bit less glow from the sun (if its possible, that is
Sorry, I didn't know that you have already fix that square section at the back. You are a bit quick for me
I must try that now
fifth not that bigger deal to put in all planes very simple mod not like better wheels which is now wheels mod or better pilots which is huge just create a cockpit folder for each plane put in 2 files link to single Texture folder for all planes with 1 tga in it switch to different tga with mod enabler
True, I have already done it to some planes. Just don't have the time at the moment to do it to all of them
Just make a new folder and name it by the plane and just put the files in it. And it works.
some of you i think may have missed the point of the Darkglass mod it is to simulate having sunglasses on in the cockpit view which is what it was supposed to do so is not a trick the changes some of you think can be done will effect the light inside and out side cockpit so see carmaster i guess as he has already done it with code the point was the in cockpit view while no change to outside
I didn't
Its just that I like this way too (and as a darkglasses). I'm planing to use both.
and also the edited tgas do give a different look without the side effects wash out weird glare etc sometimes encountered with adjusting the mat file
I love that white hard sun effect
Its just that the glow is too much in some situations.
I think that the glow is there when it is too much light outside. I managed to lower it down with new settings. Tgas actually change tint similar as changing values for colors, if I understood that correctly. Also I think that tint with tgas texture wont work now, because I disabled it with "tfBlendAdd 1" in mat file.
We are actually seeing through the texture now, but with the colors of that texture. Thats why it is too saturated at times. Maybe I'm making mistake here, but I'm open for suggestions