This is the download for the Mandrill7 South Ukraine Jet War Beta map. The map will eventually be released in several versions, including a 1950's map for early Cold War scenarios and a World War II era map. The World War II version will have summer, early autumn, late autumn / spring and winter seasons.
The project has taken me about 9 months to do and was based on an abandoned map that was originally created by some Aviaskins guys and was called YCJ_Ukraine. Their hard work provided me with a great start for my own efforts.
I re-worked the existing project extensively, including a redraft of the map_c, map_h and map_t and roading and populating the map from scratch. The geography of the map is more or less accurate up to 1960, give or take. After that, the Dnepr in particular would start to appear much, much different as several large dams and hydro-electric projects were built.
As the World War II versions will feature numerous grass airfields and more ground detail for "mud moving" in certain key areas, the 1950's version was easier to make ready for a Beta download. And so, this release is the Jet War version of the map. The town and city tiles are still a little unfinished and need some work. Note that Uman' airfield is deliberately misplaced to locate it away from the edge of the map. The airfields in general may be changed and improved as I receive better information about their appearance.
Older, less powerful computers may experience FPS issues over the largest cities, such as Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa.
I relied extensively on the following resource when producing the map: site features super-accurate large maps of Eastern Europe in the late 40's and early 50's and was an invaluable aid.
My sincere thanks to the entire Il-2 community for their support, teaching and encouragment over the years. Hopefully, this map allows me to give something back to the other guys. In particular, I thank Oknevas for allowing me to use some of his airfields from the Donbass map and his dam over the Dnepr at Zaporozhye. Thanks also to Gromm for his advice re airfield placement which will help me do the WWII versions of the map. And also to Greif11 for testing download and loading.
The download is split into 2 parts. The map itself can be downloaded at this link: second part is the necessary texture folder at the following link: map uses mainly stock objects, plus objects from Uuflaake's SE buildings mod, Canon's Channel map and parts 1 and 2 of the Hangar Mod. All of these should now - I believe - be standard with all mod set-ups, including Modact and DBW.
Add to all.ini the following lines....
m7_su_JetWar m7_su/load1950.ini
The path for the _tex folder is......
Mapmods/ maps/ _tex/ mandrill7
Please do not hesitate to report all problems and comments on this thread and I will try and fix them up. Happy flying!