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Author Topic: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?  (Read 8563 times)

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Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:18:56 AM »

Hi all :)
is my first post on this forum and I hope this is the correct section.
Nobody as ever thought to develope a Mod for il-2 with the Star Wars spaceships? X-Wing, Y Wing, TIE Fighters... a mod how "SAS 1956".
I Think that it will a great work , long but great.
I have searched it on internet, but I don't find nothing.
What do you think about this idea? :)

Bye ,
from Italy


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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 06:22:59 AM »

Hello Elet88, welcome to SAS.
Yes, that idea has crossed many minds around here for many years now. Many here are also fans of many
sci-fi adventure movies too .
A few years back some artist IL2 fan decided to paint some Spitfires and other aircraft with the X-Wing colors and some
other designs on skins. I believe they are still available at Mission4Today website. Personally I cannot put the idea
of a Spitfire painted as an X-Wing inside my head, too bizarre for me, I would rather see (or maybe be able to fly) in a
real looking aircraft just like the real one. That would be much better.

As like all Mods created in this IL2 community , there is a time for everything to be created in its proper time. These
things take along time to be created, it´s not as simple as just grabbing a cool 3D-model and putting it into the IL-2 game
with a fancy FM and it flies.
No, there is alot more to it than that.
It is also a group project most of the time, because no one person cannot take on the tedious and huge job it takes to create
an airplane all alone. We always need some expert  help from our friends who also have the Know-how in some things better
than what we know.
So we wait a little while longer for these airplanes. They all have to wait in line.
There are so many other projects that are being made right now.
There are alot of other airplanes that are still being created.
If a guy cannot wait for these things to happen quickly, then the best thing I can suggest is for you to take upon the job of
creating these airplanes for the IL2.
Make it your own personal project and I am sure many good friends here will also help you make the aircraft fly good in the
game. The simple fact is, there are just not that many Modder-artists to go around to
do all these requests.
Its as simple as that. Its the truth.
Too many airplanes to make and not enough mechanics to build them all.
But do not loose hope, one day your dream will come true, I am sure of it  :)
How about starting a X-wing project and joining our team of modder-artists?

By the way, we do have tutorials to get you started on the fun of making new airplanes for the IL2 game...
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 10:52:03 AM »

Hello, thnak you for the welcome  ;D

Personally I cannot put the idea of a Spitfire painted as an X-Wing inside my head, too bizarre for me,

Is, I subscribe this opinion, hehe.
I post this question mainly for curiosity, if existing this mod. Or do the idea to some lovers of il-2 and star wars and 3D modding for do that, hehe. However, the 3DModels existing: http://www.xwaupgrade.com/
The questions are:
1. want the developers of XWUpgrade collaborate or donate their models to a team for Il-2? Or create a cooperation beetwen two teams?
2. In this case, are their model adaptable for Il-2 with few changes?

The base can exist, the problems is propose and try it :) The developers of XWUpgrade don't want contribute for their work, so can rise somethings... but is only a my idea :)

from Italy


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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 03:20:19 PM »

Thank you for the link Elet88, it looks very interesting.
It seems those guys are re-working all the spacecraft to be more detailed for their game.

Their game is Lucas Arts' X-Wing Alliance, which is totally diferent from the IL-2-1946...
including the game engine.
While they only fly in space, we only fly in the skies.
They cannot fly on planets and we cannot go into outer space.  :( Its a cruel world we
live in.
If we could go into "IL2 Space", I am sure we would have already a
space-shuttle, an Eagle-moon-lander and even a Death-Star moon!  ;D
I am not sure if their models are compatible with the IL2. I will research some more of
what they are doing.

However , one thing we can do is landscape maps!  8) That means we can create an
entire new planet landscape with , say for example, orange skies like Mars, and have
the spacecraft fly in combat.
Of course this would have to be researched really good
because a planet having orange skies (or any other colors) would mean the ground and
vegetation would not be green as we know it.
I once seen a documentary series on Discovery channel about what life could look like on
distant planets and scientists talked  about this fact.
The vegetation on other worlds may not be entirely green or have
the same trees as we have here on Earth, all because the skies would be diferently
colored and also depending on how evolution happened on another planet.

So, there is alot to think about and research for some interesting facts before making a new "Alien" planet out of a IL2 map just to have some space-fighters fly around.

Something to think about.

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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 04:10:59 PM »

Years ago I wrote a Mars Mission set on Viking''s excellent Grand Canyon map ( a stand in for the Mariner Valley) and Lerches and Hortons as space craft. It was a spoof, but quite a lot of fun to fly. Some might remember a member on AAA called silverfish who floated a similar idea.


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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 10:13:09 PM »

what we need is some of those big ATAT walkers to buzz around and shoot at...:D
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2013, 12:16:54 AM »

Hi Elet! Welcome!

what we need is some of those big ATAT walkers to buzz around and shoot at...:D

I like the way you think Malone.lol. If we had an AT-AT, we just use it on a winter map with mountains and instant Hoth! ...which of course would mean we'ld need a snowspeeder.lol

which is an idea i must say... T-47 was not a spaceborne craft and thus much more suited to our games constraints...

AND I AM NOT requesting anything in ANY case, just pointing out that if a modder were to pick up the Star Wars genre and run with it.. maybe airspeeders, like the T-47(Airspeeder/Snowspeeder) might be a more viable starting point than X-wing for developing a set of Star Wars based mods for this game engine because it flies more like an airplane.

...but Malone, dont forget, CANT shoot AT-AT. Armor is too thick!   ;D
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2013, 12:27:29 AM »

yeah, but i wouldn't use those faggotyass star wars lasers -  i'm sure a few 30mm cannon rounds would make a mess of it, at least blow a leg off.
sitting ducks for a tank-buster Stuka, i reckon, lol  :D
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2013, 09:10:44 AM »

VERY true Malone!  ;D I hadn't thought of that! lol

....But i gotta say, nothing agains the Star Wars Rebels.lol......... but, i wear a Brown Coat myself....... SOOOO ... an old artillery piece mounted to the top of a flyable Firefly Class Transport would make me happier than ALL the craft from Star Wars put together... 

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2013, 09:56:18 AM »

or a drivable tank ;)


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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2013, 11:46:40 AM »

or a drivable tank ;)

very true! lol  ;D
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Re: Il-2 Sturmovik as base for a Star Wars Mod?
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2013, 11:01:14 AM »

Hi guys, sorry for late answer :)

To Max: yes, we can't go in space :( (I think) but we can combat in a lot of surface and planet. For example the proposed Hoth with ATAT ;)
Or we can do a map that rappresent a piece of surface of the Death Star (for example the section to attacking in the movie Ep. IV :D)

But is not possible develope the model, apply  CFG file with flyng information (using an existing CFG file of il-2 and change the valour) , and is ready?...
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