I like the Hind, it just looks mean with the wings loaded with pods.
Some additional facts about it, Another reason for the wheeled landing gear, was it needs to make rolling take-off and landing due to wieght.
The engine can only sustain a true hover for a total of 16 minutes before it needs to be overhualed (thats total time not 16 minutes at a time.)
They are do not normally turn right in close formation (rotor torque tends to swing tails into other squad mates)
The Original RED DAWN depicted the early verison fairly well (although they were modified Sea Kings to look like Mil-24As)
But the scene with the RPG exploding in the troop compartment and only killing the tech, is based on fact. From combat in Afganistan. (One of the reasons the US supplied Stingers to the Rebels)
Until the MiL-28 Havoc came out all attack heli pilots and AA crews were taught this was the most thing to fear and kill first if you had the chance over anything else, even other close support aircraft.