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Author Topic: New RealFollow 6DOF for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7  (Read 78940 times)

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New RealFollow 6DOF for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:53:25 AM »

Updated 2013/08/17 (only for v4.121 and v4.111):

Visual MOD (Stereo 3D + Extra Features) v7 Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots) + New RealFollow Mode 6DOF

Since 2013/08/17 new improved versions are for v4.121 and v4.111 only. v4.101 was not updated

Ok People,
                          for a long while I haven't formally updated the Visual MOD (the original Stereo 3D plus all the other features). I only posted in some places some different updates but never really released nothing new from v5.

  The new main feature of this version is something that really was lacking in the Il-2 Sturmovik game and that allows specially for filmmakers, etc., a much lively rendering for many situations. Real Follow:

  The game only had the traditional external view (F2) which moved you to the exterior and that followed the position of the plane but pointing always in a fixed direction. The alternative was the follow (F8) view that in a very strange way (always vertically aligned and without tilt) followed your plane. So now I have implemented a Real Follow mode (it replaces the F2 and F8):

  I developed a quite inertial behaviour for it which makes it quite real how the camera follows the plane.

  For those who haven't been following the development thread and don't know much about the MOD, etc., please consider that 95% of the answers you need are in a disordered sequence here:

  The ReadMe.pdf included in the .rar is old but quite exhaustive and explains in a detailed and ordered way all what you may need to operate and configure the MOD. I took the time to write it, so please: read it if you don't know what to do.

  I will not discuss the features or the basic configuration here, because it was quite analyzed in the quoted thread and everything is in the ReadMe. The main changes for this v7 are:

  BugFixes and Additions on 2013/03/23:
  -New HeadShake for Gunner Positions!!! This was something that due to a contradiction on Stock Game never worked. It was necessary to made a change in the FM to allow this to work. Inside the .rar you will see a folder called 00_PAL-VisualMODFixFM-v4111. IT IS BASED ON SAS AI Engine MOD 2.6RC. You need that MOD and load my fix over it. Without that combination, please don't try to activate it because the consequences could be a non-loading game. Without this you will have all the other functions but not so real Gunner Positions, nothing else.
  -New Sluggish response for Gunners (Turrets or manually handed Weapons). Much more real represents the non-instantaneous response on aiming. Aparently this collaborates to make AI Snippers less exact. Still to be confirmed!.
  -New 4 Levels of Stereocity (External, Cockpits, Gunners and Aims / Tubes) => Independent Settings for better Stereo Comfor in any condition of the game.
  -New Stereo Settings for all 4 Levels (External, Cockpits, Gunners and Aims / Tubes) are remembered by the Game. So Next Time you load Il-2 everything is as the last time used (no need to edit Conf.ini for Separation and Convergence).
  -New MOD Remembers Stereo Mode (or Stereo Disabled) => No need to set this either through Conf.ini.
  -Now if plane is On Ground and in External View your sight is not aligned with the plane axis. So you see it as if being a person on-ground. When it gets out of land, the MOD starts to make the camera aligned with it. It shows to be much more reasonable this way.
  -Now if you press "P" for Pause, and the view (this was particularly observable in External View) of the camera was inertially going to some position, it really frozens. Then you can reorient or whatever, but it stops repositioning when you pause the game.
  Previous Change Log:
  -New Real Follow Mode.
  -New 6DOF for External Views.
  -New Fixed Padlock Mode which didn't have Stereo 3D.
  -New Includes Cockpit Change Wind Issue.
  Original Features of the Stereo (Visual) MOD:
  -Fully integrates TrackIR 6DOF MOD (you wont need an indepenent TrackIR 6DOF anymore). There were some isolated problems reported by users that didn't seem to be specifically related to this MOD.
  -Fully integrates EcranWide (you wont need an independent EcranWide anymore). But in this case consider that some extra stuff that you were accustomed to (small fonts, small icons, etc.) would be needed by you. I have added the module Extras For EcranWide.rar that includes all that stuff.
  -ScreenShots are possible in .jpg and .tga format in any Mode.
  -Video captures are possible in most of the current Modes.
  -ModeD has been made perfectly operative and will not conflict basically with any modern card.
  -ModeC includes since v5 Final the chance of directly managing 3D Feature of nVIDIA cards (Quadro series). I still don't have such a card so I cannot effectively test it but it should work. For ATI or nVIDIA non-3D this mode will be a basic mode with auxiliary buffers and a slow one (not recommended).

For new features now formally added to this released version, please read the post below in this same page, here:

This Stereo 3D MOD by requirement of many users was adapted to support TrackIR 6DOF and EcranWide. Nonetheless I have implemented these two functions in a slightly different way, I would credit for the inspiration these MODders:
-sHr for the mouse 6DOF (I use my previous reworked MOD of Mouse Headshaking 6DOF).
-Josse and CirX for the settings for Wide Monitor support.
-Kegetys for TrackIR 6DOF (and different changes made by others as far as I know).

-Herra Tohtori


Herra Tohtori

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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 07:28:40 AM »

Hello Pablo!

Thank you for the wonderful work, I already tried it and I was rather impressed altogether.

Do you want discussion about this release to be on this thread, or continue the development thread? I'll post this here for now, I can move it later if appropriate.

I have a few things I noticed; first is that the "View Set!" message seems to be triggered continuously by the use of head tracking; any time you turn your head the tiniest amount, the text appears on the HUD. This disrupts the normal function of the text messages because the "View Set!" text is practically coming up all the time, which pushes all other messages away - such as "Enemy Aircraft Destroyed" or "Fuel Tank: Leak", engine power settings or other such things. It's quite distracting, as the "View Set!" text doesn't exactly contain any critical information. Removing the message or changing it to only show when you actually change view options would be better.

Another thing I noticed is that using head tracking doesn't seem to be compatible with the F8 Follow Camera. If the head tracker is updated, the camera position is forced to stay on the vertical axis behind the aircraft, and there is some sort of horizontal flickering involved when the head tracker tries to turn the camera direction sideways. As it stands, the Follow camera is almost impossible to use when head tracking is active. The easiest solution might be to disable the head tracking altogether while player is in F8 mode, but I'm not sure if that's possible. The other possibility would be to properly integrate the head tracking movement into the Follow camera movement around the plane.

When the head tracking is disabled, the Follow Camera works much better and looks quite good. However, in quick rolls and certain other manoeuvres, there's two effects I noted: The camera sometimes can't follow the aircraft and loses sight on it, and secondly the view seems to flicker when you are performing maneuvers. The amount of flickering seems to depend on the rate of pitch/roll/yaw, and I get the impression that the camera is - for some reason - quickly switching back and forth between two positions and the end result is you see two images superimposed. This happens both in 3D mode and normal 2D mode. In screenshots this doesn't appear to be visible.

I have a suspicion that there may be some floating point rounding errors or something that cause the camera not quite know what direction it's supposed to be pointing at, causing a a bit of jitter. I'm not sure how this could best be fixed.

Finally, I noted that when Head Tracking program is not running (FreeTrack), then a 45 degree clock-wise roll is applied to the camera angle in cockpit view. I am unsure what relation, if any, this would have with this mod, but I suspect it is caused by the game reading null head tracking inputs and for some reason translating them incorrectly. The game works normally when FreeTrack.exe is running and tracking is disabled (again, I suspect this is because now there's actual input on the TrackIR interface, even if it's transmitting continuous zeroes for the view vector).

Then I have a general question about the TrackIR implementation. You mentioned the mod contains a "6DOF MOD". Does this mod replace the Team Daidalos 6DOF implementation altogether, or does it do some alterations to it? Are there any changes between TD 6DOF and this? Or does it only apply for the Mouse 6DOF?

Are there any additions to the configurations that can be added to the [Mods] section in conf.ini? My current configuration is this:

Code: [Select]

Again, thanks for the work. If any of this feedback is helpful in any way, I'll be a happy camper. ;D


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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 10:17:19 AM »

               thank you for the feedback and the very detailed analysis.

I think there is no problem on discussing it here. if it becomes to bulky we can move it later.

1- My Fault: yes, the "View Set!" message was a debug one and I haven't removed it. I will do that tonight.
The fact is that without a TrackIR you don't know anything about the issue you describe. With the mouse none of those messages are seen.
2- Again with the TrackIR effect I cannot realize it because I don't see it. That horizontal (in fact of Azimut) limitation, can be freed. I didn't take it into account. I think that I will find the place where it is recalled everytime.
3- I don't know exactly what you see as that flickering. The MOD makes a lineal position transitioning that assures some "delayed" follow of the plane plus an interpolation of the view direction (that perhaps is not working properly). I consider that it is possible that this last interpolation is responsible of what you say.
4- Regarding what you say with FreeTrack deactivated: the fact is that without the program for TrackIR and with it disabled it works OK (many users including myself can confirm that). Your description is with TrackIR feature enabled and without a TrackIR program. Which in fact is a contradiction.
5- The MOD has the original TD implementation of TrackIR 6DOF (because I have MODded some classes related to it). So regarding the use of the TrackIR, it should behave as the stock one. But what I made in this one is injecting the mouse 6DOF references exactly the same way as the TrackIR 6DOF, so in some way simulating a real TrackIR with the mouse.



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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 12:17:16 PM »

Well, man... this is just awesome !...
Barell rolls couldn't look any better!... With the follow cam "sensing" the Centrifugal force, you can almost feel the forces to the pilot's head... It can
certainly give some excellent dogfight video footage in 4.11.1.
Also the problem I encountered when pressing Shift + F1 (crashing the game), has now gone.
At the following video, you may see what Herra talks about... TrackIr 3 (no 6DOF) was used & video captured at 15 fps & then rendered to 30 fps, so the flickering (more like trembling effect) is not to much present in this video...

Let's pull some G's !...

Btw, this mod is not compatible with PAT_LITE_CAMONLY...
Thank's for this !

Herra Tohtori

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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 12:31:51 PM »

1- My Fault: yes, the "View Set!" message was a debug one and I haven't removed it. I will do that tonight.
The fact is that without a TrackIR you don't know anything about the issue you describe. With the mouse none of those messages are seen.


2- Again with the TrackIR effect I cannot realize it because I don't see it. That horizontal (in fact of Azimut) limitation, can be freed. I didn't take it into account. I think that I will find the place where it is recalled everytime.

I can make a short video of this. It's easiest to show it happening rather than try and explain.

3- I don't know exactly what you see as that flickering. The MOD makes a lineal position transitioning that assures some "delayed" follow of the plane plus an interpolation of the view direction (that perhaps is not working properly). I consider that it is possible that this last interpolation is responsible of what you say.

The steps to reproduce this behaviour is to go into the Follow camera mode, and start a constant rate turn, and that makes me at least see the camera flicker slightly. I wondered if it would be related to convergence settings, but adjusting convergence to zero had no effect on the issue.

Again, I'll make a video showing what is happening, although I noted that the effect is different when video capture software is enabled. It is possible that frame rate heavily influences the emergence of this issue, but I hope the video will show what I mean.

4- Regarding what you say with FreeTrack deactivated: the fact is that without the program for TrackIR and with it disabled it works OK (many users including myself can confirm that). Your description is with TrackIR feature enabled and without a TrackIR program. Which in fact is a contradiction.

Yes; the "issue" here is that when TrackIR feature is enabled, but no data is coming from TrackIR program through the interface, the game for some reason reverts to a strange view vector rather than [0,0,0] vector for pitch, roll and yaw respectively (although in cartesian coordinates it would be [1,0,0] vector for x,y and z where x is the forward direction; I don't know what kind of notation these systems use).

It's not really so much of a contradiction than it is a situation that can occur and an observation on how the game behaves in this situation. Rectifying it is more of an inconvenience than anything serious, but I just find it curious that in the absence of TrackIR interface data, for some reason the game's view vector doesn't stay put at forward, non-angled direction.

It probably has nothing to do with this mod and is more of a stock game behaviour. However since the mod does manipulate TrackIR implementation, it would seem possible to add in an innocent little safety check: If no TrackIR interface data is available (no TrackIR program running), the default view angle should be directly forwards with no strange tilt on it.

I wouldn't consider it a "request" or anything serious to mend. I just dislike seeing sloppy programming in games and software in general. ;)

5- The MOD has the original TD implementation of TrackIR 6DOF (because I have MODded some classes related to it). So regarding the use of the TrackIR, it should behave as the stock one. But what I made in this one is injecting the mouse 6DOF references exactly the same way as the TrackIR 6DOF, so in some way simulating a real TrackIR with the mouse.

Thanks for the explanation!

BT~walker: "This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

They're getting faster every day...


Here's a short video showing the follow-cam vibration issue. I recorded this at 60 FPS and slowed it down to 30 FPS because youtube video codec only supports up to that speed. This way I could record all the frames that were shown during play.


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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 02:30:07 PM »

                   do you use TrackIR too?

  Herra, if you have the chance, check the same without the TrackIR. I think that the problem is there. Permanent small changes in angular reference coming from the TrackIR (the mouse orientation is much more stable) could lead to thos stutters.

  You have to be my eyes on this. I feel like Homer saying the same.


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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 03:17:48 PM »

Setting FreeTrack to "Stopped" mode had no change, the alternating camera angle is still there.

Setting conf.ini [rts] trackIRUse=0 had no change either.

From GPU control panel options, I tried with both VSync on and off, since that can sometimes lead to strange problems if it allows very high FPS. No change either way.

Setting convergence to zero and eye distance to zero had no change either, which isn't a surprise since the issue seems to be independent (happens in both 2D and 3D modes of operation).

The alternation happens in the primary angle of movement. For example if you look at the plane from behind and the aircraft is rolling, you can see two sets of wings form a shallow "x" shape. If you pitch up, the landscape and the plane get a vertical stretching that looks almost like motion blur. Interestingly, the formation of two superimposed images suggests that the image is "jumping" between two reasonably stable distances, however that distance is influenced by the angular movement rate of the aircraft.

Similarly if you look at the aircraft from above and apply a slow roll, you can see two airplanes flying right next to each other, clipping each other partially.

For reproducing the issue locally, here would be my suggestions:

The issue can be magnified by increasing the camera distance with mouse and setting narrower FOV with Del or End keys.

Also try to achive a flat 60 FPS frame rate; the issue seems to be much diminished when FPS is lower due to rendering stress. The easiest way to achieve a flat maximum frame rate is to look at the sky, of course. I hope you can discover the effect yourself based on my description because then you would probably have much better success and efficiency in discovering the cause and rectifying it. However, I'll be happy to test any possible solutions you want me to.


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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 04:16:44 PM »

I guess that this only effect can't be implemented in 4.09m... just asking out of curiosity... great job indeed...


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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 04:19:47 PM »

Herra, Walker and All,

                   check this version. I think that it should have solved most of the issues and it works much smoother.

  Shardana, there are too many things to check, confirm, etc. I neither have an operative 4.09. To be sincere I don't know if I will really take the time to create a v4.10 either.



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Re: New RealFollow Mode for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 09:12:06 PM »

More improvements!!! Several.

For those who don't understand in first term what the two pictures below mean: they mean that the angle is not converging to the plane. Now this is a full 6DOF inertial outside MOD. What is in this version:

F2 External View: Now this one is not the stock one, it is the previous accessible with F8. It is an inertial camera pointing to the plane (your own with F2, your friends with Shift + F2 or your enemies with Ctrl + F2 as usual).

F8 External Follow View: Now this one is a spherical subjective position as it used to be in F2, but the camera is always pointing forward, aligned (parallel) to your plane. It starts in real follow position (exactly behind the plane) but you can move it around and you always be as a "companion" of the plane, "flying" parallel.

Any of this two modes has the new revolutionary feature:

If you press the Mouse Right Button, the camera (previously pointing to the plane or parallel to it) becomes completely free. So you are able to set the relative point of view (where in relation to the aircraft) and later set the direction of view. This gives HUGE freedom to see things in the game, experiment by yourself.

Now the Inertial Coefficient can be set like this:

Code: [Select]

That is the default value. Lower values (until 0.0001) makes the view more slugish and higher makes it more rigid (with 1 meaning no inertia at all).



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Re: New RealFollow 6DOF for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 10:02:57 PM »

Pablo, are the camera/follow features only available for the stereo 3d version, or is it possible to incorporate with standard 2d view?
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: New RealFollow 6DOF for VisualMOD (Stereo 3D + Features) V7
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2013, 12:32:11 AM »

 :o :o Good Job ! This way you can still have a working "PAT_LITE_CAMONLY" mod !...(I mean you don't need it any more....).
I use modact 4 - 4.11.1 to make my videos, cause of the immersive pilot head movement & this mod of yours makes great videos !
(It's just a shame we didn't have all these great stuff 5 years earlier...when people actually played IL2...It would 've been a golder Era !...)

Anyways, I've reuploaded my video (made with firstverion of this mod) : Let's pull some G's !...

@SAS~Malone : Works perfrect in 2D. Here's my conf.ini :

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