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Author Topic: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?  (Read 13950 times)

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JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2013, 11:59:57 PM »

OK, I was test flying the JU-88s which were one of my favs in the stock sim. However, the A-1 and A-17 just drop onto the runway from about 20meters and roll over upside down. The AI just collapses thier landing gear. Naturally it's kinda hard to fly like this.  :-X

I did get 2 versions to fly though. One, the NG night fighter, has SC50 bombs listed in its loadouts, but they don't show on the plane, and the bomb bay wont open. Said loadout is listed twice to btw. I just thought this might be notable and wondered if anyone else has seen this. Im kinda surprised I've seen nothing on this since it is a popular AC. I like the ones I can fly, but smashing on the runway is definitely not something just on my end.  ???

I do appreciate all the work on this stuff though, and am just asking about this to help the creators in thier work.  8)

Any1 else tried these? I was using that HUGE runway on the formosa map, the island air base on the east of Formosa. It's really wide and very long, good for test flying.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2013, 12:56:16 AM »

OH and I just discovered that there are 4 versons of the 410 listed in the skins section, but there are only 2 that show up in the FMB. Ive got DBW 1.71, no additions or changes. Anyone else see that?

Has to do with cutting down slots in DBW.

But you can reinstall them very easily, read the 3 "Notes for Manual Updaters" textfiles wich you will find in DBW 1.71, especially "Notes for Manual Updaters_Optionals Removed Lines.txt".
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2013, 04:14:00 AM »

The versions in latest DBW are less , but handled the same as before. you choose versions by load out.
Yes I have been able to take off with all versions. You need to mind your airspeed. The 110, 210 and 410 was difficult in history, all of these had to use a lot of flaps until the under carriage  was retracted. This is best simulated in Clod full realism, you will need to read just to be able to get it up there, Over 200 km/h you blow tires, under it you will not have lift.


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2013, 02:34:08 PM »

A little while back I was using the QMB and set the fuel to 20% on some of bomber I was intercepting.   The bombers that got away would land at their base, but even before they stopped their landing gear retracted and the planes bellied in.   They did that several times, but when I increased the fuel to 30% they quit doing it.  Maybe this could contribute to the behavior you are observing.   

I was using a C714 and I was intercepting Cant 1007s.  I found that with the light Armament (and short firing time) of the 714 I could damage the bombers and get a number of fuel leaks, but they would usually get home and land.   This was very frustrating, but after reducing their fuel load my success rate went up.


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2013, 04:31:28 PM »

It had a 100% fuel load at the time, but even if it did cure it, they should be able to fly with any fuel load. They literally spawned about 20 to 50 meters high and dropped onto the runway. The nightfighter and one other version did fly ok, although the torque was way exagerated over any realistic level.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2013, 05:07:43 PM »

Yes I discovered the need for flaps, and can do ok once I get into the air.   And I understand the reduction in types availible, thanks for the info on that.

 I found a similar problem with the 110s. It starts rotating around before engine start as well. and dances all over the place even with full right rudder and toe brakes at any power seting and speed. There is no input from the right brakes even at slow speeds, while left brakes are fully functional. I realize the right brake will be less influential, but not totally missing. The fact that these birds rotate to the left even when the engine is off seems to indicate something here, with th4 410 and the FW200 being alot more pronounced than most others. I can deal with it on the 110 as it's not as extreme, but I still think it's a bit much. Maybe a pilot's bulletin on launching the 410 and FW200 would help.

I flew to airshows on 2 different C-47s with 2 museum groups in the late 80s, early 90s, and a pilot once got his boot snagged under a rudder pedal somehow as we were half way down the runway. The result was a take off just like one's I'm having to do with the 410 and even the 110 to a lesser extent. If this is kept this way, then methinks there should be more influence of the right brakes to help most pilots counteract this, as well as the sound effects of tires screeching, with an assortment of profanity and prayers, because that is the result of such take offs, trust me, I know :o. Those brakes and rudder input were having an effect on that C-47, as we swung wildly across the runway back and forth at the Calhoun Ga. Airport to the horror of all watching.  ??? 

There seems to be no influence at all by the toe brakes or rudder at all but higher speeds. Differential braking normally has directional effects even at low speed. When I try to taxi after landing, at low speed, the right brake is useless, and I can only turn to the left.

 I do appreciate all teh work the modelers put into this, but some of these planes are almost unflyable by the majority of pilots due to THIS exagerated torque EFFECT I think. Realism is great, but I don' t think the Luftwaffe would buy these planes if they were this uncontrollable on the ground. The 109 is pretty torque plagued, but it can be overcome alot more easily, as the brakes seem to have more influence. I'll still try to get these things in the air though, but the accident rate must've been higher than even the 109s (or the Gee Bee racer ;D).



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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2013, 12:45:31 AM »

You have conflicting mods!

You should uninstall all 88 and reinstall them one by one testing after each installation....IIRC this should caused by the G6....but IDR if there is a fix because I have NF in a separate installation....


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2013, 01:24:48 AM »

yes, sounds like a conflict of some sort, probably a loadout conflict.
you must have some other Ju-88 or Arms mod that is conflicting.
it might even be a matter of simply changing the loading order of some mods.
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2013, 10:52:05 AM »

That's interesting, but I can assure you that it is pure stock DBW 1.71, NO other mods added, as I kinda gave up on that in the past in another install as I could only achieve locking up the sim whenever i added a mod. I only use the DBW and HSFX as they come from the "manufacturer". There is nothing added that isn't in the original 171 install.

It may be a conflict, but its' conflicting with something else in 171. Now, there may be some file somewhere in my computer outside DBW or IL2 that may affect it. I just have no idea where the conflict could be since i've added nothing to 1.71. I did notice that the NG night fighter has the same loadouts listed twice, but the bay doors don't function, but it's one of 2 versions that fly.

I wonder if this has any influence on the outrageous amount of torque im encountering in the 410 that I can barely take off in (sometimes) and FW 200 that I still cant get off the ground due to it spinning around - and yes im sure i have all engines selected etc, see the post I made on that. It could just be a single line in some file somewhere.

I have never succeeded in installing anything outside teh standard DBW and HSFX mod packages, and made this CLEAN install due to the trouble I had everytime I had tried such. Didn't really have time to learn this process, but looks like I may have to. I wouldn't know where to start in deleting and reinstalling the ju-88s, but im willing to learn if I can find some clear instructions that don't assume I know how the mod system is set up. Im an FMB guy, and Im still trying to learn the changes to it in DBW.

Should I just try to remove the version mentioned above that has caused problems, or should I try to change them all out? And where do you recommend i look for the clearest source of a procedure for doing such? If I don't find the conflict (if you have time to mess with such). Thanx for the responses btw  8)

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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2013, 01:17:19 PM »

What does log.lst say?
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2013, 02:05:11 PM »

Sleepingdragon, I tried now in a default DBW1.71 - no mods, no jsgmemods - what you describe:

Yes, the Ju-88C-6 and the Ju-88C-6NJ have double entries in their loadout lists, but this doesn't play a role. Bombs works fine with Ju-88C-6 when using open/close Bay Doors Key (see Pic7).

Also I have no problems with takeoff wheter the Ju-88s nor the Fw-200 (see Pics).

What I did ist this:
before starting engine I used Brake Key and the Lock Tail Wheel key, then I started the engines using the engine keys (select engine #1, start, select engine #2, start and so on), then I used the select all engines key. Flaps in start position, Cowlings fully opened, Prop Pitch set to full. Then I hit brake again, and set full thottle with slider, takeoff.

See the pics, all three planes have a very short takeoff run,
I had no problems to get them in the air.  ;)

Ju-88C6    - 2 pics
Ju-88C6NJ - 2 pics

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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2013, 02:06:39 PM »

Fw-200 takeoff

Ju-88C6 20x50kg bombs bombing

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