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Author Topic: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?  (Read 13949 times)

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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2013, 04:28:48 PM »

Thank you a million....that's what i'm trying to figure out, if It is all on my end and whether anyone else has had these problems. I noticed the short take off in the two Ju88s that did fly. Kinda neat. I will do exactly as you advise, though i did do most of that, but not all. Thanx for the shots, I know that's time consuming.  :P

Flying H; I can't get initlog.ini to open, windows wants to know what program to use to open it. Any recomendations as to getting it open? I don't see one called "log.ini". I'd like to see, as I was totally unaware of what this even is.


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2013, 05:09:30 PM »

In your conf.ini is the line:
this is the name of the logfile you have to look for.
You can rename it by changing this xxxx in the conf.ini.

Per default xxx it is log.lst.

Its a plain text file so you can open it with any texteditor.  ;)
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2013, 05:41:46 PM »

OK, this is why I could never do any more than use the FMB. This is what I found in the config.ini;


But I couldn't locate any other file called log.lst . Not in the config.ini, or anything with "log" in the file name anywhere in the il2 folder itself other than Dgen.log adn Dgen2.log, and Dgen3. Is it one of those? Am I looking in the right place? There's also the eventlog.lst, but It's not a text file. Also found a wrapperDXlog, but i'm sure that's not it. There's also a wrapperlog, which is a text file beginning with this: Total number of modded files = 0.
Sorting modded files list took 0.002 milliseconds.

The degen logs all list mins flown on the hawaii map, and i havent used that in a whle. All these misns have been on the Formosa map. Im obviously looking in the wrong place or for the wrong thing. Or it deosnt exist in my alternate universe.


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2013, 08:35:00 PM »

Please read here what to do with logfiles:


Here is a good description by Storebro:

Console Log:
In the [Console] section, set

Additionally, when you want to keep the log (which means it won't be cleared when you start a new mission, which in turn means the log file will be constantly growing, therefor this is not recommended) set
otherwise set

Last but not least if you want to see a timestamp in front of each log line, set
otherwise set

and for his instant log File read here:
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2013, 10:33:29 PM »

yep, there are several entries in the conf.ini that need to be correct for the log, not just one.
these are the two most important ones:

LOG=1    this tells the game, yes, you want a log to be produced
LOGFILE=log.lst      this will be the name of the log file, you can rename it to whatever you prefer.
LOGKEEP=0  this is best kept at 0, basically it either starts a fresh log each time you run the game, or if set at 1, it will keep adding new info to the log. if left, you run the risk of ending up with a massive, massive long text file.

however, would you first mind posting here the contents of the particular mission file you are experiencing this problem with?
open the mis file (word/notepad) and copy/paste the entire contents in to the post here, adding it using the insert code option (# symbol, above right of the last smiley icon)
i have a feeling this problem is rather more specific to this particular runway, than a general problem.
or have you tried on another map, for instance? does the problem remain, or is it only on the formosa runway?

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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2013, 07:36:25 AM »

I wonder if you have a conflict in settings, not  having brakes command set accurately! There are 4 ways to define brakes, brakes (kb), left and right brakes (2 kb clicks) left and right slider (in HOTAS furthest down in  settings) and lastly chokes, for carrier TO! Check that you havenĀ“t mixed some settings up!!
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2013, 08:45:18 PM »

They work fine for all the other planes, just some of the multi engine stuff that seems to be a bit wacko. Im going to check all those settings again though. Im working on getting this and the exploding JU-88s fixed in my other post. I can even fly an Avia S199 and the 109 variants.

I think these were called Gremlins.....and I don't mean that Godawful car that AMC made a couple of decades ago.


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2013, 12:16:13 AM »

I got the misn file and log files of each type. 1st, here are screens fo what Im getting, and these are on the stock Italy OL map. When I start I see this at teh split second it starts:

Here are some more showing that it starts at some hieght over the runway, then drops. It's not bouncing, but the props of both mine and the AI are already busted. This happens to all versions except teh C6 and C6NG.

THis is the C6, which starts normally, along with the C6NG. I have no other mods, stock DBW 1.71

Here is the eventlog.1st. I've got it rigged to save all of them, and this is the 6 attempts at flying. the first 4 versions crashing are listed followed by the two C6 versions that started normally.

Code: [Select]
[10.02.2013 19:58:37] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a021 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15569.281
12:01:13 Mission END
[11.02.2013 1:04:13] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a021 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15569.281
12:00:07 Mission END
[11.02.2013 1:05:49] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a021 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15569.281
12:00:07 Mission END
[11.02.2013 1:08:23] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a021 damaged on the ground at 22456.7 15569.281
12:00:01 Mission END
[11.02.2013 1:10:26] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:00:18 Mission END
[11.02.2013 1:11:39] Mission: Single/Italy Ju-88 test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:02:05 Mission END

Here is the test misn, just a circuit around the base, default weapons and skins. 100% fuel.

Code: [Select]
  MAP Italy_DF/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  player I_StG77a02
  army 2
  playerNum 0
  Year 1956
  Month 6
  Day 15
  WindDirection 0.0
  WindSpeed 0.0
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0
  MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
  MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
  MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
  MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
  MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
  MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
  MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
  MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
  MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
  MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
  MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  Bigship 1800
  Ship 1800
  Aeroanchored 1800
  Artillery 1800
  Searchlight 1800
  Planes 2
  Skill 2
  Skill2 1
  Skill3 1
  Class air.JU_88C6NJ
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  TAKEOFF 22456.70 17205.18 0 0 &0
  NORMFLY 22272.40 22573.88 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 18324.56 22533.70 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 18000.20 6715.93 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 23151.86 6773.18 500.00 300.00 &0
  LANDING 22576.60 15383.45 0 0 &0
If there are any other entries I need to post, let me know. Thanx for the responses and interest. I really would like to fly the Ju-88s in the FMB etc.  8)


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2013, 01:01:13 AM »

Hi Dragon
i suspect this problem is due to the planes having a mismatch in loadouts, which can happen if a plane's loadouts have been updated in java, and the particular mission that you are flying was set up with the older, now obsolete, loadout.
unless this is a mission you have just created yourself, then you can load the mission in FMB, and adjust the plane loadouts . then try it again and see what happens.
i'm pretty sure this is the problem.
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2013, 03:25:12 AM »

I got the same in the past!

Try uninstall G6....


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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2013, 03:29:28 AM »

I got the same in the past!

Try uninstall G6....

wich G6? He has a clean DBW1.71
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Re: JU-88 drop and capsize on take off, 2 versions? Any1 else see this?
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2013, 03:41:09 AM »

Tested this mission in my clean DBW1.71, all is fine, thats my eventlog.lst:

[11.02.2013 11:39:40] Mission: single/nn/!00 - TESTS/Ju88_bouncing_Test.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 I_StG77a020(0) seat occupied by Player at 22456.7 15609.354
12:00:00 I_StG77a020 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
12:02:05 I_StG77a020 in flight at 22455.102 17472.314
12:02:55 Mission END

Sleepingdragon, wich buttons do you have? Have you changed it?
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