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Author Topic: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?  (Read 13958 times)

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Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:40:22 PM »

I did a search on both these, but I get every post with FW or Me in it, and i haven't seen anything about this. Sorry if this has already been covered, but I couldn't find anything on it.

When I try to take off in both, the AC just spins around like I've only got thrust from engines on one side. I made sure both engines are running, I've been doing this for a while. I also have differental braking on my rudder pedals, but it seems there is no input on that for these planes. I tested other planes afterwards, and it works. I worked wiht both these AC for quite a while, and found that if i airstarted both planes, they work fine, albeit a bit squirrely on landing. No differential thrust effects.

Has this been addressed, or is there some other way of dealing with this? OR is this just unique to my computer, like several other problems (Like the unzippable part 4 in the big f-ing superpack)?

I think I may have come from the parallel universe where Spock has a beard, and everybody is plain mean as h#ll >:(. Thanx.......


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 04:44:49 PM »

What happens when you let the AI take off?
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2013, 05:58:11 PM »

Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?

Hello Sleepingdragon,

FW-200 just started (DBW 1.71).

Start and landing - no problems!
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 10:47:53 AM »

Thanx for the answers guys. I guess this means the problem is somewhere on my end, which is what i really needed to know.  8)

I havent tried letting the AI take off yet. I gotta get back into the sim and see WTF is going on. Doesn' t do it on the JU, B-25, A-20 etc. Gonna go experiment a bit.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2013, 01:18:16 PM »

  Ok, So you select engine 1, start then engine 2, start then select All engines then give it throttle.  Your post sounds like you start one engine then the next but you dont select All Engines.  This would cause all the thrust to come from only one side and thus the spin.
  Hope this helps.



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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2013, 01:46:12 PM »

seems AI has hard time making me410 taking off indeed
I made a simple test mission on the flight test map. AI barely lifts off at the end of runway threshold with a very flat climb angle. it's a well constructed runway with open sea at the end, i can imagine what i'll happen if it's a field airbase.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 02:53:41 PM »

Yes i select all engines. Same as in the air, no difference in thrust. only happens on the ground. Interesting about the AI take offs. gotta try that this evening. No time to right now. Strange that it affects both the FW200 and the 410. I haven't tried the 210 yet, and it sure deosn't affect the 110, as I've flown it for yrs both online and off.

I seem to have stuff affect my installs that are unique, like I STILL can't get the part 4 of the Big F-ing mod pack to unzip in another install, either regular or torrent. Nobody else has that problem. I think commie hackers in China may be getting into my computer like they are the banks.  :o

I gotta try just using the left engine and see if it has any effect.

Flying H

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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2013, 03:50:56 PM »

This is how I do the 410, deselect E2, start E1, deselect E1, select E2, start E2, select E1, test if I get power from both. If OK do the rest (flaps if needed) take off. Have you got 2 throttles? If so it looks as if you have contol of both engines but only one is producing power! (I´ve been there a few times) 2 throttles and a viermot is a nogo! You can only control 2 engines if you don´t use the single throttle setting, usually 2 engines on hte same side. As for using select all I tink you deselect the one you  started last (it toggles selection)
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 12:58:23 AM »

Check the instruments, see if one of the engine RPM readings aren't going up like the others. And instead of using the 'selct/unselect engine' keys, just use the simple 'select' key. The select/unselect can be confusing since you need to hit it twice to control another engine independently.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2013, 01:14:58 AM »

Both Me-410 and Fw-200 show massive prop torque and wash effects.
Maybe the different takeoff experience results from different difficulty settings. If you try to take off with "full switch" difficulty settings, both Me-410 and Fw-200 are tricky indeed.
What you can (and should) do is:
  • Pick a loooooooooooooooooooooong runway.
  • Lock tailwheel.
  • Throttle up slooooooowly and give full opposite rudder until airflow catches up with prop effects.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2013, 08:50:32 PM »

i use the throttle wheel on my CH F-16 stick, and i hvae CH rudder peddals with toe brakes set and working in controls. I use the simple select, first 1, then 2 then select all engines. They are getting power. I havent locked the tail wheel yet, but im applying full right rudder and toe brake.

basically i did what Storbror is talking about above, but i had to go ahead and apply higher throttle pretty quickly.

They do have outrageous amounts of torque that would have resulted in a huge loss rate (were all these German planes actually designed w/o counter rotating props? Sounds very un-German). When they appear on the runway at the start of the misn, the AI are stable behind me, but the player flown plane is rotating all on its own, like a 70 knt cross wind is hitting the runway. I know some planes do that a little, but this is kinda extreme. they will rotate about 45 degrees .

I finally got the 410s off the ground by using the HUGE wide runway on that eastern island in the Formosa map. I just have to gun it to high throttle settings and dance all over the place taking off, once it gets some speed and full power up nearly 2/3 of the way down the loooong runway, it gets airborne. I've been flying this stuff since the first week IL2 came out, so I'm not a noob and have been dealing with torque for yrs. this is just too exagerated. I can't believe that it's quite this prone to stalling either, but I can deal wiht that. this is NOT realistic at all, and I hope our wonderful modder guys can correct that. I'm still looking for vids of 410s and 200s to see if the engines don't counter-rotate. MAX right rudder and toe brakes are nearly useless until you get up considerable speed at 110% throttle.

And yer not gonna believe what I found with the TOTALLY unflyable JU-88s (only 2 will fly). I think im gonna make a seperate post on that one.

OK, they DO rotate the same way, which seems pretty silly. but here is one that is still in good enough shape to test the engines.

Oh yeah, anohter modification to this post, I do always move the stick throttle slider a bit. I found I have to sometimes give it a little throttle to get the eingines to start reliably, or so it seemed when It took me about 6 tries to get an engine to catch. Good point.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2013, 11:52:15 PM »

OH and I just discovered that there are 4 versons of the 410 listed in the skins section, but there are only 2 that show up in the FMB. Ive got DBW 1.71, no additions or changes. Anyone else see that?
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