Merci ! I appreciate the help and interest in this bizarre IL2 episode of the X-files (and I don't even get to mess around with Scully

I've been experimenting and working wiht this most of last night and today (no work to do today in this weather, so.....)
I've been doing all this on the stock Italy OL map, and here's some more factors that may shed light. Ill get to the Ju88 problem in a miniute.
1. I finally go the Me-410 to behave and have managable torque, but i don't know how. Once I got on the Italy map, it was controlable, the differential braking worked fine and can take off ok. I locked the tail wheel, and it worked. Then just to see if that was it, I took off wiht the tail wheel unlocked. Worked fine, was just as controlable. Have no idea WTF I did to change that other than change maps from formosa, but I don't think the map was a factor.
2. HOWEVER, the FW-200 still just wants to go around in circles, will even rotate to the left when I have the left engines on and the rightones off, using brake etc. If I let the autopilot take off, is fine. I take over in the air, then land, and THEN the brakes work fine as I can steer it down the runway and manuver around easily. THEN I try to turn around and the left hand rotate thing takes over again. No right rudder, tail wheel locked or unlocked. Differential thrust doesn't have an effect either, since it does this even when the right engines are off. The differential thrust is working
except in takeoff., as I experiment with it in the air, and the thrust effect is correct while in the air or during taxi after landing. Makes no sense. HERE is the misn Im using, which is the already posted JU-88 test misn with the AC changed to FW200s, and some ships and Blenhiems added.
MAP Italy_DF/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
player I_StG77a02
army 2
playerNum 0
Year 1956
Month 6
Day 15
WindDirection 0.0
WindSpeed 0.0
Gust 0
Turbulence 0
MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
Bigship 1800
Ship 1800
Aeroanchored 1800
Artillery 1800
Searchlight 1800
Planes 2
Skill 2
Skill2 1
Skill3 1
Class air.FW_200C3U4
Fuel 25
weapons 6sd500
TAKEOFF 22456.70 17205.18 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 21963.52 28196.18 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 14440.03 51814.23 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 13513.40 54130.81 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 9729.65 52895.30 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 18324.56 22533.70 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 18000.20 6715.93 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 23151.86 6773.18 500.00 300.00 &0
LANDING 22576.60 15383.45 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill0 2
Skill1 1
Skill2 2
Skill3 1
Class air.BLENHEIM4F
Fuel 100
weapons 20mm
NORMFLY 71787.18 105045.71 500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 39375.91 35591.33 1800.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 26260.40 22537.30 1800.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 21671.85 22092.04 1800.00 400.00 &0
GATTACK 21828.45 18210.23 1800.00 400.00 30_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 22146.78 13815.31 700.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 25582.79 9108.64 1200.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 26205.80 9425.40 1200.00 400.00 &0
GATTACK 23411.78 13923.68 1000.00 400.00 20_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 22004.70 18628.80 800.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 20302.16 22984.83 1200.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 17387.91 21926.50 1200.00 400.00 &0
GATTACK 20712.66 17461.40 1200.00 400.00 55_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 25825.38 12106.94 600.00 428.00 &0
NORMFLY 31630.81 10741.23 1000.00 428.00 &0
NORMFLY 70743.83 16543.62 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 78882.13 14515.62 500.00 250.00 &0
LANDING 83811.45 15874.03 0 0 &0
0_Chief Ships.Tramp 1 0 2 1.0
1_Chief Ships.Tramp 1 0 2 1.0
2_Chief Ships.Tanker 1 0 2 1.0
10146.04 52016.70 120.00 0 2 2.5722224712371826
41565.73 64369.29 120.00
8065.83 52224.11 120.00 0 2 2.5722224712371826
27696.15 57226.28 120.00 0 2 2.5722224712371826
44464.01 66986.67 120.00
7838.48 53177.21 120.00 0 2 3.729722261428833
26111.14 57977.07 120.00 0 2 3.729722261428833
44630.85 68238.01 120.00
0_Static ships.Ship$Tramp 1 13030.51 52091.09 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
1_Static ships.Ship$Tramp 1 13567.00 51688.72 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
2_Static ships.Ship$Tanker 1 14053.20 52225.21 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
3_Static ships.Ship$Shuka 1 13634.06 52091.09 360.00 0.0 0 0 8.0
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 23041.05 16169.66 190.00 0.0 null
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 23040.06 16222.95 190.00 0.0 null
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 23023.96 16269.73 534.10 0.0 null
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 23047.27 16079.43 189.10 0.0 null
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 23026.65 16018.23 194.10 0.0 null
9_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22985.06 15988.72 529.10 0.0 null
10_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22921.52 15775.27 229.10 0.0 null
11_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22916.71 16563.87 539.10 0.0 null
12_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22912.59 16590.67 519.10 0.0 null
13_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22936.09 16740.33 189.10 0.0 null
14_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22969.08 16835.57 194.10 0.0 null
15_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22901.67 16898.03 464.10 0.0 null
16_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22841.27 16853.91 429.10 0.0 null
17_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22812.20 16834.53 189.10 0.0 null
18_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22626.98 15827.55 189.10 0.0 null
19_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22625.48 15849.04 189.10 0.0 null
20_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22622.48 15879.04 194.10 0.0 null
21_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22626.98 15906.05 189.10 0.0 null
22_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22621.98 15932.06 184.10 0.0 null
23_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22624.98 15960.57 189.10 0.0 null
24_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 22624.98 15990.58 519.10 0.0 null
25_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22624.98 16157.63 534.10 0.0 null
26_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22623.48 16193.14 524.10 0.0 null
27_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22621.48 16224.15 189.10 0.0 null
28_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22622.48 16272.16 534.10 0.0 null
29_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22204.86 16095.11 384.10 0.0 null
30_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22221.36 16030.09 324.10 0.0 null
31_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110F2 2 22146.34 16012.08 354.10 0.0 null
32_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22214.86 15936.06 354.10 0.0 null
33_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22259.87 15848.03 324.10 0.0 null
34_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22033.30 15792.02 354.10 0.0 null
35_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22627.48 15590.96 534.10 0.0 null
36_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22627.48 15633.47 534.10 0.0 null
37_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22625.98 15677.98 539.10 0.0 null
38_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 22772.02 15613.47 509.10 0.0 null
39_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 21961.57 15739.19 379.10 0.0 it
40_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 21951.54 15710.57 379.10 0.0 it
41_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 21942.10 15679.89 374.10 0.0 it
42_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 21984.28 15591.98 344.10 0.0 it
43_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 21955.96 15488.44 349.10 0.0 it
44_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 22420.59 15560.42 349.10 0.0 it
45_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 22420.29 15584.61 349.10 0.0 it
46_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 22420.59 15608.80 349.10 0.0 it
47_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G50 2 22204.65 15596.10 304.10 0.0 it
48_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22300.04 15718.79 404.10 0.0 null
49_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22315.04 15668.53 374.10 0.0 null
50_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22224.76 15721.76 384.10 0.0 null
51_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22421.16 15783.73 354.10 0.0 null
52_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22420.50 15812.93 354.10 0.0 null
53_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 22324.03 15798.17 324.10 0.0 null
56_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6 2 22389.35 15386.81 364.10 0.0 null
57_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6 2 22365.53 15402.38 419.10 0.0 null
58_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6 2 22360.95 15445.90 449.10 0.0 null
59_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6 2 22364.15 15486.66 444.10 0.0 null
55_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6 2 22428.28 15413.37 324.10 0.0 null
54_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C6NJ 2 22426.79 15442.34 324.10 0.0 null
3 I placed some static Ju-88s of all models on the italian base (the southern one on that big island) and got these bizarre results with the 88s A4, A17,and A4 torp. They are all imbeded into the ground, so it seems that the planes are NOT being dropped like I thought they were, but are bouncing without the bounce itself being visible in the sim. That explains the busted props.

BUT the C-6 and C-6NJ night fighter appear fine in static and work fine in the actual planes.

5. This DBW 1.71 install was not obtained using the big F-ing install from 4.07; I was tryign to install that for another install for assorted reasons. The install involved is one I put together one piece at a time, installing each part of the 407 to 409 with UP3 and DBW added after that in order. I can't think of any extra buttons files or any other file that I've installed, at least not to my knowledge, but It's possible I could have something really small at some point, but I have no memory of it, and have tried to avoid such to keep this install running smoothly (which is why I wanted another install to learn how to add stuff to). But this stuff is complicated.
6. In the "mods" folder itself, there is nothing but another set of folders; MODS/STD/GUI/GAME/BUTTONS, with nothing at all in the BUTTONS folder, which I guess is because I've not added any mods outside the clean DBW 171. Am I correct in assuming that all the mod stuff was in the DBW folder?
7. Deep inside the DBW folder, there is a "buttons" file located within the GUI/GAME folder, but when opened with word, it is alot of illegible symbology. The buttons file in the IL2 folder is the same as teh one in the DBW/STD folder, so i obviously am using the one that came wiht DBW 171 (I think). It is 2274 kb, and was last modified on 1/30/12. I assume this is the correct one for stock 1.71?
8. Where pray tell is this SFS file? I've hunted all over the place and can't find one. I'll post it if I can just find the thing, to see if it's corrupted.
9 This is the IL2fb.ini file:
I can post any other file if I just can find it.
10. I made the misn myself in the FMB yesterday, and I've changed the loadouts around and did some skip bombing misns, and arranged a dogfight with Blenhiems that are equipped with the 20mm cannon pod (those things are dangerous btw). AI performed well as did the C6.
11. BTW, I noticed that I can't fly the Do17 or 217 variants, despite having player checked. All i get is a bizarre screen that looks like im looking thru a sub periscope whose lens is half submerged ???. Are they not flyable? Or could this be a related problem? Just thought I might should add that.
12. Another odd problem that could be related; I can't use the HS-129, either version. I put it in the mission, arm it etc in the screen where you can see it, but when I hit "fly, I get ....."Instruction oxba78790 referenced memory. The memory could not be "read". " I have no idea WTF that means, but no HS-129.
13. When I try to load the JU-88A4 in the Sinai map, I got....."mission loading failed-Med 3do/humans/paratroopers/russain/mission not created." So I went to the stock online Italy map. Dunno what that means.
I hope this helps. Obviously there is something here that has affected others and would probably be best to have a cure handy or at least know what it is to prevent others from having it. Thanx again for the interest. I hope I addressed all the above points you guys brought up, but let me know if I left anything out. I can post anything that's needed.