Yes sir comrade Malone, here be the paths. Don't worry about being repetitive.
The path to the buttons file in the DBW folder is Ubisoft/IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/DBW/STD/GUI/GAME. (I just got the most recent file for DBW offline, as its several mos newer than the one I had, but the same problems remain).
The path to the other buttons file (which I also replaced with the new one, just in case) is :
Ubisoft/IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/STD/GUI/GAME.
Should this only have the buttons file in the DBW folder, or does the sim only recognize the one in the DBW folder? I assumed the latter.
The "MODs" folder I mentioned is seperate from teh DBW folder, and I assume it's not functional, as there is nothing but empty folders in it. That folder order is Ubisoft/IL-2 Stormovik/MODS/STD/GUI/GAME/Buttons. There is nothing in the "Buttons" folder.
It has a buttons folder listed, unlike the others, but it's empty, no buttons file or anything. Should I just leave this alone? I assume since it has nothing in it, that it won't have an effect. If I add another mod to my setup, won't I put the additional mod into the DBW folder, or would it go in here. I assumed that any extra mods, should I decide to add any, would go into the DBW folder system. Again, I have no other mods installed, just the basic UP3 with DBW1.71 basic, no adons. THis is how the folder structure appeared after I installed UP3 followed directly by DBW1.71. Frankly, I don't really know enough about how this is set up to even try that, as is well illustrated here.

AND there are a ton of sfs files in there, so I am beggining to get an education on how this works, but if there is a defective sfs file, finding it seems a bit problematic. As you indicated earlier, I wonder if it would work at all if it had a defective file in there somewhe3re. I wonder if I should install another dbw dnload into anohter installation (which I have just made on my external HD with just that in mind) and replace all the sfs files with the new ones from the later dnload (of the big F-ing modpack thingy). I'm very interested in how you solved your torpedo problems.
THis is a priceless education on how stuff works. I hope to be worthy in the FMB......

And Ive done a search, and a bunch of these things have shown up, so I gotta go thru them........(the computer voice on the original Star Trek says "working"....)