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Author Topic: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?  (Read 13963 times)

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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #60 on: February 16, 2013, 01:18:09 PM »

Roger that. I'm working on just that, though Im running out of room on my HD :P . I installed one on my external HD and it runs ok graphics wise,but I can't get it to recognize my CH stick and pedals  :o (Yeah, I got computer polterguiests ???), so I'm making yet another install on my standard HD after eliminating one of the other ones I had. Whew, IM the one who needs the coffee. stand by.......


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #61 on: February 16, 2013, 04:51:29 PM »

I got computer polterguiests ???

believe me, there are no ghosts, demons, or whatever in your PC.  ;)
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #62 on: February 16, 2013, 08:36:03 PM »

Ya wanna bet? Now I get this everytime I try  to unzip any part of any type file that is an update from 407 to 410 or 411 etc, both the single dnloads, and the assorted 4 part dnloads, each time (for much of the day):

'Error: CRC mismatch in file "fb3do20.sfs" in the archive' ...(my folders that have the zips in).

Doesn't matter which file or where it comes from, all the zips i get from SAS tell me that. Now I know that's gotta be impossible, as they worked fine a few weeks ago when I last obtained them. I deleted the zips after I used them as they took up room, but for some bloody fool reason, they don't wanna work. I just unzipped several other zips i hve and they worked fine. But for some reason, the upgrade zips from SAS won't unzip because of the above "reason". Very illogical. I hate computers as much as I love them. It's like dealing with women.  >:(

I unzipped a couple of files two days ago and they unzipped fine.

My avast system says this thing is clean of all crap, so I have no idea. So I don't have any polterguiests eh?



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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #63 on: February 16, 2013, 08:43:09 PM »

It's like dealing with women.
So I don't have any polterguiests eh?

OK yes.

Female poltergeists.  :D
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #64 on: February 16, 2013, 09:20:00 PM »

Well I just don't have the ability to adapt to these things, despite messing with computers and using them extensively since 95. I hit the exe, and its extracting all the files itself. I had no idea. Never saw that before. I do'nt think that's the way it worked last time, but I dunno.......The F-100D was brand new when I was born, so .......... :(

Ill have to see what happens. I'm sure there will be more unforseen crapola before Im done. everytime I do this stuff, something new comes up.

In my defense, I tried to activate the exe twice, but it just sat there. When I tried it just now, it's working and extracting all that. Definitely a female polterguiest.


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #65 on: February 17, 2013, 05:14:45 AM »

I hit the exe, and its extracting all the files itself.

And that maybe is the problem sometimes when you let install the exe its content into the wrong path. Be very very careful.

I always do thos: I never unzip or install (via a *.exe) something into a working Il-2,
I always put this into a empty folder. Then I check it and look for the correct paths and
afterwards I move or copy it into my IL2.

You should do the same and when not sure about the paths,
stop and ask before overwriting anyhing or putting it into wrong paths.
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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #66 on: February 17, 2013, 06:01:59 PM »

Affirmative on that ! which is what i was initiallly trying to do. THAt's when I was getting all this crap about the zips not being valid etc hooey hooey blah blah from the "virtual overseer in the Tron universe etc" .

BUT I was very careful about and it DOES work in 411m, or whatever 411 it was, very smoothly at that in my external HD. It even recognizes my controls now and performs great. I was worried a bit about an external drive, but I have plenty of room there for several more installs If I want. Soooooo....since everything I dnload now won't let me do it any other way but using the exe (carefully now that i have some combat experience), and I've been dnloadng UP3 all day. Gotta get DBW again to and CAREFULLY install all this stuff in the 410 install im about to make in my regular C drive (made as much room as I could).

I left it dnloading while I spent too much time in town at the bookstore perusing air/military/firearm magazines as I usually do. I shoujld have a new DBW 1.71 install tomorrow PM to test and see if this goofiness has been excorsized  ??? .

Sometimes I feel like John Conner fighting the "machines".


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2013, 11:29:46 PM »

ok, this is starting to torque me off - I've tried to unzip the 171 super install obtained both as a regular dnload, AND as a torrent. BUT, Even in the torrent, I can unzip the first of the four files, but when i try to unzip the other 3, it gives me the same 'cant do it' crap that i quoted above. WTF ??? Now I can't belive Im the only guy this happens to. WTF is causing that?  ???

So there is no difference in the two dnloads, so what on this planet could cause my computer to refuse to allow the other 3 zip files to be unzipped?

There is NO exe file to unzip the rest, it has to be unzipped and then the "contents" are to be placed in the root folder. There is no reason for it to be doing this, as I can unzip other files. This sure didnt' happen the first time I dnloaded it from here.

BUT, I did manage to fix the JU-88A problem where they just collapse on their gear on the ground and cant take off, even in the static planes. It was the gear damage mod, so I disabled it, and now the early Ju88s spawn on their landing gear.

I had been researching and reading what I could on DBW problems, when I found this in an older thread;

"Reply #243 on: April 11, 2012, 09:40:19 AM ยป


NOTE, the JU-88 A variants found within the #DBW_MOD_Aircraft pack are defective due to an issue with the Landing Gear Damage mod included in the pack.  The problem class has been found.  Note:

UPDATE:  Defective Class Found:
Please delete the following class found in the LGD mod included in the #DBW_MOD_Aircraft pack  "_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3"


By deleting this class, the JU-88 A variants will work correctly.  (of course, be sure to disable the Aircraft pack in GME before making this edit.  Edit should occur in /jsgmemods/#DBW_MOD_Aircraft/_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3/)"

I was unable to find any such file where they indicated it was, so i assumed the structure had changed since then, and I just disabled the entire gear damage mod by putting a - in front of it. I have no idea what said mod was supposed to do, but all I got out of it was smashed JU-88As. I also have no trouble believing that I am the ONLY guy who had this problem in the current version of DBW, since I am the only one who has had these other problems from what I've seen on here. I may have to try and use my laptop to dnload one part of it as an experiment, but it has its own prpoblems. I ran avast AND macaffee virus checks, and there was notjhing found. so......?????

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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2013, 01:04:21 PM »

Wait, what are you saying? You have the 4 files 171 superinstall, right? they read 171 superinstall 001, 002, 003 and 004, check!
What then?
You click the first 171 superinstall 001, check! then what happens?
The first one extracts itself + the other three files and the result is 8 folders :
#DBW, #DBW_1916, bin, jsgmemods, Missions, My Screenshots, SAS Modact 3 dokuments, SAS_DBW,
and 10 files, il2fb.ini, IL2Selector.exe, updbwmapex_01 - 08.sfs, check!
Is that what happens?
This is what I did, I extracted the files into a folder called DBW (call it whatever you like BUT put it somewhere outside the game to check the contents).
Then I copied the contents as is into the Il2 main folder that is ABSOLOUTLEY NOT situated in C:\Program files!!! Preferably on another disc!
This should get you on track again!
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #69 on: February 21, 2013, 12:38:51 AM »

Yes sir, that's exactly what i did, outside any install (on my external HD now, takes up so much room, runs smoothly in the stock 411m version I installed).

I already had UP3 installed, so waht i was trying to install over initially was the superinstall 4 part DBW 1.71 dnload.

I unzipped the first part of the 4 super install zips, both regular dnload, AND the torrent, the FIRST PART unzipped with 7zip just fine, into an external folder for holding. It had part of the folders (#DBW with only 4 mod folders, #DBW_1916, bin, jsgmemods, Missions, Myscreenshots, SAS Modact Documentation, Sas_DBW) , just 23mb worth,  and 13 other files, including IL2exe and the selector exe. THat's it. It's just the first install part, so I figured it was logical. It does NOT install the others, and I don't see an exe anywhere in the first part. It just installs itself, just 2.2 gb worth. Is that all there is to it? Maybe it is all there is to it, but it looks little like the basic install i have on C drive.

?There are 63 folders in my other DBW folder in the 171 install in C drive, and Ive added nothing to it.   I was going by the instrructions, which say:

"They unpack together when you use 7z on the first part. They all together give you the complete and correct DBW 1.71, that can be copied over to your UP3 RC4 isntall. This makes getting into DBW much easier, right? :)"

THat would seem to indicate that the first one is an exe, or has an exe in it, but the only exes it has are the selector and IL2 exe. Here are the rest of the instructions :-X:


step 1 ~ Use 7zip to unpack all the parts of the superinstall

step 2 ~ make sure to DISABLE all jsgme mods

Step 3 ~ Copy over all the files from the download to your game, overwriting when prompted

Step 4 ~ Open the IL-2 Selector.exe, and make a setting of your choice, and save that setting. It is important to save the setting at least once after installation, to allow the new selector to set itself up properly. Read the included selector pdf guide in the DBW 1.7 dox folder for more info. After that you can launch your game either with the selector or with the il2fb.exe it creates."

SO, Im gonna make a copy of my UP3 install, and install what I have into it and see what happens. It does not look complete, but maybe im just not seeing it, or im too sleepy to see it.



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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #70 on: February 21, 2013, 04:54:11 PM »

Well, I unzipped the 7z 4 part single install from UP3 to a folder, then copied it to a UP3 install to upgrade it to DBW 1.71 (since up3 has to be in place first), even though I don't know if it's complete, and the same thing happens as occurs with the 19 part upgrade from 407 to DBW171 (I have a NEW install of each in my desperation to find a solution that works).

This was added to a working UP3 install.

The screen comes up saying it's 411m, and starts loading. Somewhere past 70% I get anohter screen that says "loading track", then it just goes away, crashes. I've tried changing around the selector a little, but it has no effect, though on one of the tries the beggining track that shows the japanese carrier and plays the theme music did start ONCE before it just crashed to nothing. I have no way of knowing if I've left something out, or if the 4 part install is incomplete as I spoke of.

The OTHER install with the 19 part upgrade from st0ck 407 to DBW 1.71 just goes to 95% and freezes so bad that I have to use task manager to kill it.

Im researching the massive amount of similar problems to see a solution, but uninstalling and re-installing is not cost effective once you've done it about 4 times. I kinda think there is so much confusion due to the nature of the instructions that are on several posts resulting from the evolution of this magnificent work. Its evolved nature can't help but make it a bit complicated, but the most recent versions/developements help simplify it. It's of course usually a mistake WE (the benifactors you your work) make, as I'm sure it is in my case.

This recent post is a good example in the HSFX forum that involves DBW and similar problems:

It' s so easy to make a mistake in installing this stuff that it's a huge problem on these forums methinks, and I can only humbly suggest that the many threads on various installations that have evolved over a period of years be replaced by a bit more updated set of posts that take advantage of the simplified installs, with more detailed info. I've been studying these things for nearly a year now, and Im STILL confused, as is obvious  :P . I have left something out or made some other mistake, despite following the instructions. Most of the posts dealing with this kind of problem involve something being corrupted in a dnload or having to re-install a new dnload etc. As a result, you guys spend (graciously and generously :-* ) a huge amount of time trying to help guys like me that could be spent feeding our addictions for more good stuff  :P .

I've learned a huge amount about this since I started this thread, much of which I could have avoided if the info was a bit more......organized and complete. Again, its' the evolved nature over several yrs that seem to contribute to this confusion.

I still don't know if the 4 part 7zip super install is complete, as i can't get it to function...in my new installs of it.....yet. My old install works, but odd stuff happens that are the original basis of this post, and MAY be an indication that it may not be complete itself, or that something in some file is amiss.

THe HSFX mod is somewhat simplified by the automatic updater, and other than the exagerated fragility of engines on certain planes, it's a bit easier to implement. 

I am really grateful for all the info and input and especially the work done by the guys who give us this great stuff, but I'm thru making installs hoping for a dnload that is complete or hoping that I haven't left something out. I've got 8 installs on 3 HDs (one stock), and I'm determined to fix at least one of the other two new DBW installs (as detailed above) to work. Something simple has been overlooked I'm sure, and my goal is to correct that. ie; I had to disable the gear damage mod in my original DBW install to get the Ju-88A models to spawn without crashing, only discovering that after much study on here.

I Hope I have been of some help, as I really appreciate the help I'm getting. I really hope this can help many of the ohters having problems.   8)



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Re: Any1 been able to take off in FW-200 or Me-410?
« Reply #71 on: February 22, 2013, 11:41:23 AM »

I DON'T F-ing believe it !! After a million 95% crashes in the only variation that would begin to work (the 4 part 7z one), I can ACTUALLY take off in teh FW-200. I have no idea why or what i did to get this, but I decided to try just one more time, and it loaded and the FW deosnt' spin around any more. Well hooty hoo. Thanx for all the interests and attempts to assist me. I still gotta figure out how this stuff works though.  :P
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