Yes sir, that's exactly what i did, outside any install (on my external HD now, takes up so much room, runs smoothly in the stock 411m version I installed).
I already had UP3 installed, so waht i was trying to install over initially was the superinstall 4 part DBW 1.71 dnload.
I unzipped the
first part of the 4 super install zips, both regular dnload, AND the torrent, the FIRST PART unzipped with 7zip just fine, into an external folder for holding. It had part of the folders (#DBW with only 4 mod folders, #DBW_1916, bin, jsgmemods, Missions, Myscreenshots, SAS Modact Documentation, Sas_DBW) , just 23mb worth, and 13 other files, including IL2exe and the selector exe. THat's it. It's just the first install part, so I figured it was logical. It does NOT install the others, and I don't see an exe anywhere in the first part. It just installs itself,
just 2.2 gb worth. Is that all there is to it? Maybe it is all there is to it, but it looks little like the basic install i have on C drive.
?There are
63 folders in my
other DBW folder in the 171 install in C drive, and Ive added nothing to it. I was going by the instrructions, which say:
"They unpack together when you use 7z on the first part. They all together give you the complete and correct DBW 1.71, that can be copied over to your UP3 RC4 isntall. This makes getting into DBW much easier, right?

THat would seem to indicate that the first one is an exe, or has an exe in it, but the only exes it has are the selector and IL2 exe. Here are the rest of the instructions

step 1 ~ Use 7zip to unpack all the parts of the superinstall
step 2 ~ make sure to DISABLE all jsgme mods
Step 3 ~ Copy over all the files from the download to your game, overwriting when prompted
Step 4 ~ Open the IL-2 Selector.exe, and make a setting of your choice, and save that setting. It is important to save the setting at least once after installation, to allow the new selector to set itself up properly. Read the included selector pdf guide in the DBW 1.7 dox folder for more info. After that you can launch your game either with the selector or with the il2fb.exe it creates."
SO, Im gonna make a copy of my UP3 install, and install what I have into it and see what happens. It does not look complete, but maybe im just not seeing it, or im too sleepy to see it.