I dont really think UV3 will work for 4.12, at least for shipping targets/objects. I am finding that chiefs are not rendering and I receiving the following java error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/il2/ai/ground/TgtFactory
which may tie to the hitbox associated with a ground target? in the mission I am attempting to fly (DCG stock New Guinea 42) with UV3 enabled (buttons and rc/preload deleted), there is a java conflict causing the chiefs to not be created and freezing il2.
[4:41:13 AM] Mission: Can't create chief '5_Chief' [class:ships.Ship$Tramp]
[4:41:13 AM] Mission: Can't create chief '6_Chief' [class:ships.Ship$Tramp]
[4:41:13 AM] Mission: Can't create chief '8_Chief' [class:ships.Ship$Tramp]
[4:41:13 AM] Mission: Can't create chief '9_Chief' [class:ships.Ship$IJNAkizukiDD42]
[4:41:14 AM] Mission: Can't create chief '10_Chief' [class:ships.Ship$USSWardDD139]
When trying a simple quick mission, UV3 seems to work ok, and for some other DCG camps it works... perhaps its only ships?
All in all, with so many encrypted class files in the UV3 mod, its tough to find the culprit. I searched all the ones outside the sfs files, but the sfs files contain even more encrypted java files. quite a task!
Note, also tried all flavors of UV3 though the 4.09 version made it a little further but still froze with an java error. All in all, its pretty buggy and I guess will have to stick with the other sound mod working in 412.
if someone finds the buggy files to remove/comment out for UV3, that would be excellent. Looks like effort would start with extracting both tiger sfs packs and starting search there.
UPDATE: got it to work by disabling a number of encrypted files in the root uv3 folder set. Searched on key terms that were causing IL2 freezes and by commenting out the files which had reference to the failing java, I was able to load mission(s) with no freeze. Plane sounds appear unaffected, though unsure of ground sounds. No matter though since ground is not really heard anyway. However, noticed that most chiefs fail to load which is not good because then there will be no ground targets anyway. Further testing underway. Hoping to allow chiefs to load correctly though further analysis needed.