Hi Matthew,
If you have a non working install, trash it and either follow the instructions in vpmedia's link above,
OR if you do want UP, please read this:
IL2 1946 PATCH+ ULTRAPACK INSTALLATION GUIDE:A very important thing to do is be aware that if you are using Windoze 7 you can NOT install the game to your /Program Files folder. There is some kind of conflict with WIN 7, so...
[1] Make a new folder (anywhere but in C: program files), name it IL2 and Install IL2 1946 to that folder.
You should then have a working version of
4.07. Run it to check. Then close it.
[2] Then you will need to download the multi-patcher from here :
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&a%20mp;id=4088YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER TO DOWNLOAD.
Extract the RunMe.exe installer from the archive to anywhere you can find it back, then run the RunMe.exe installer. Point it to your IL2 folder, overwrite all files and folders. This will apply patches
4.08m, 4.09m, 4.09m_skins, 4.10m and 4.10.1m in one go.
[3] Check the patches have worked. Run the game and you should see the version in the bottom left of the screen on loading. It should now show version
4.10.1. Close the game.
------AT THIS POINT IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU BACK UP THIS INSTALL------ (copy/paste it to another directory or HD)[4] Download and install the
4.101m to UP3RC4 Superpatch:
It is a 6.5GB download.
https://www.mediafire.com/?dqlnn7dqunn7tIF YOU PREFER TO USE TORRENTS:
http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/UP3_SuperPack.torrentINSTALL INSTRUCTIONS:Extract it to a folder(on your desktop or a download folder for example), Launch the first one (with the .exe extension) and point it to your Il2 1946 ver 4.101 folder.
Once that is done, go to the root folder of your game and launch "JSGME.exe", activate "#UP#_Enable_UP3.0".
Afterwards this should show on the right hand side of the selector. Mouse hover over it, if it reads UP3.0RC4 you have it correctly installed.
Launch "IL-2 Selector.exe" from your game folder.
In the "game type" drop down menu, choose "Ultrapack 3" and save settings. Click on "Start IL-2 now!"
The splash screen should come up with"UP3.0RC4 based on 4.10.1" in the red writing.
------AT THIS POINT IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU BACK UP THIS INSTALL TOO------ (copy/paste it to another directory or HD, but keep it separate from your 4.10.1 back up)Happy Hunting.