This may be the light green texture your talking about,the JungleKT.tga
In the load.ini under Wood0,swap the line like below to use the whc_forestground_NG.tga
All the info helps tremendously
Wood0 = land/pacific/JungleKT.tga
Edit Wood0 slot to be like below
Wood0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
copy and paste the above line to load.ini
the originol line mark with a couple forward slashes so the game won't read the line
like below
//Wood0 = land/pacific/JungleKT.tga
the semi-colon also works to prevent the game from reading a line
;Wood0 = land/pacific/JungleKT.tga
Then you could always revert back to whatever you had
saving the line for back up
a full edit would look likebelow
//Wood0 = land/pacific/JungleKT.tga
Wood0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
Wood1 =
Wood2 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestfar_NG.tga,-2
Wood3 =
I also see the whc_forestground_NG.tga being used in these other RGB Slots I posted below
so now the 3d tree's should be on that same texture,which should look like the texture on lowland 1 and 2
,as well as Mount1
so where the 3d tree's are, the ground texture should blend in a bit better with the surrounding textures
of Lowland 1 and 2 and Mount1
In the load.ini >
LowLand1 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
LowLand2 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
Mount1 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
in theory at least anyway,never know until you try it
I'd try it quick,but I'm on my Macbook at the moment without IL-2
hope this helps some
whenever an empty slot exist
like below example,the empty slot uses the last known texture which in this case is the Wood0 texture
So wherever the Wood1 RGB Value is on map_t.tga
it will also show the texture being used in Wood0 slot
Wood0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_forestground_NG.tga
Wood1 =