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Author Topic: more carrier-based 109s?  (Read 3575 times)

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more carrier-based 109s?
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:13:45 PM »

hi everyone,

   I request more Bf-109s to be converted to carrier standards as "what-ifs". I do prefer the 109F and the 109G2, G6, and G10 to be converted. I do like 109s to supplement crazyflak's Seawulfs. Can anyone try for this?

     Cheers ;) ;) ;),



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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 10:40:47 PM »

this request of yours does not meet the basic criteria for a request thread.
Please read through the sticky guide threads at the top of this section for details.
I am very serious about these guidelines for this section.


edit: unlocked for discussion purposes, but please try and add some specific info into the request, if you want any chance of someone taking an interest.  :)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)

Typhoon Ib

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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 04:53:58 AM »

Let me Pop in here...

I am a Fan of a 109G/T variant as  well.

back in the day when we discussed the Subject at length, the consensus was that the 109 T and the Ju87C would have been the first generation of carrier based aircraft, for the Kriegsmarine.

The 109T would have been replaced by the 190T, and the Ju-87C would have been completed by the Arado torpedobomber.

Eventually, the Arado Torpedobomber could maybe have been replaced by a late 190, able to carry its own torpedo- in a simiral concept that the Seafury, the Mauler or the much later Skyraider were: single engine all-in-one attack planes.

I held the position, and still hold up that with the 109 being the main airframe of the luftwaffe fighters in 40/41, it could have been faster to build upon the Toni than build upon the focke with its teething problems.

The Aim of the 109G/T (109 T-3?) would have been that of a fast climbing interceptor and escort plane.
In my Mind, that plane has an increased wingspan, by inserting a piece of wing a la 109H.

Changes would be:

-Aerodynamic cleanup from the Emil to the Gustav
-retain classic armament 151/20 and MG17
-add wing cannons (optional loadout!)
-instead of wing cannons, add a set of 300l Droptanks
-wing tanks in center section
-retain loadouts for 1xDroptank
-increase elevator Area
-Radiator can be extended to the center piece of wing, increasing the cooling, helping overheat

Tech problems
- larger wings near limit of feasability on graf Zeppelin. Need to look into a folding wing mechanism, increasing weight again by a hundred kilos or so. (Fold just outside the gear bay, making things even more complicated with the cannon loadout.

- in that case, remove the Tanks from the wing root, and put a pair of 151/20 there a la Focke. (3x20+2x7.7? ; remove Motorkanone? remove 7.7 and increase 20mm ammocount?)

(effective changes of FM: guesses)
- range, needed to escort stukas
- altitude
- climb rate (i guess?)
- stability on landing approach
- firepower
- MW50 option ?

- roll rate down
- acceleration down from G2, but probably equal to Emil
- weight increase brings the frame to its limits, broken legs and busted Tires
- better rolling

Things that can be improved from the current tony:
Hook length + 50cm, the tony has a very very hard time catching any Carrier cable if not in a perfect tail down position.

Things i would not do:
Bombs, the stukas are there to handle that.

(edit 27/2 )
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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2013, 02:43:13 PM »

this request of yours does not meet the basic criteria for a request thread.
Please read through the sticky guide threads at the top of this section for details.
I am very serious about these guidelines for this section.


edit: unlocked for discussion purposes, but please try and add some specific info into the request, if you want any chance of someone taking an interest.  :)

I just wanted someone to add a tailhook and folding wings to those planes. That's all.


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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2013, 06:32:32 PM »

  I think it is a great idea Einfield, and actually think that a naval air battle between a Bf-109G-6/T against a corsair would be awesome! :)
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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2013, 08:08:25 PM »






Be thankful for what you have and give credit to those who put in the time and effort to give you these Kriegsmarine planes.....

If you can find plans on proposed navalized versions of LW planes then please post them here with all information you can supply.




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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2013, 08:50:40 PM »

i just requested for more variety of Kriegsmarine planes. i felt that Fw-190 carriers were boom-and-zoom that must be suppemented with a turn-and-burn fighter. that way, in any fictional Kriegsmarine campaign, the fighter force can use each other's advantages to become the finest naval air arm in the atlantic. i have always dreamed of what Il2 would be like with carrier 109s (other than the E carrier version) would go against British Sea Hurricanes and Seafires.


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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2013, 10:26:31 PM »

AG-51 Hoss I think what he is saying is that the 109T is to slow to vs fighters that are between 1941 to 1943 which is when the Fw190 would of been create for carrier ops. I 100% agree that someone should make a 109G as a carrier plane maybe made 1942,to add a tail hook, a new slot and fm would be easy, but if you want folding wings and other stuff then it will have to go for more in detail, if ppl are just want a tail hook and slot and fm I'm sure a modder could do that in about 1 week, if no modder does then I myself will add the tail hook, and see about a slot. 

Typhoon Ib

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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2013, 01:04:55 AM »


Be thankful for what you have and give credit to those who put in the time and effort to give you these Kriegsmarine planes.....

If you can find plans on proposed navalized versions of LW planes then please post them here with all information you can supply.



be thankful, give credit
fundamental flaw: if we wer thankful, happy, and dreamless satisfied, we would not be here to mod or inspire modding.

The arado and the FW were not actual KM planes, yet they have been made (and you seem to support and encourage their use)
so why do we need plans and drawings and FM diagrams for a navalized 109G?

Heck there is a naval Mustang and a Naval P-38 out there :D
no plans ever found.

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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2013, 05:07:01 PM »

Heck there is a naval Mustang and a Naval P-38 out there :D
no plans ever found.

ahem...P-51 carrier trials...http://www.mustang.gaetanmarie.com/articles/naval/naval.htm

Typhoon Ib

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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2013, 12:04:34 AM »

folding wing mechanism picture please


The NAA-133 project never went further than the design stage. However, the US Navy did continue to play with the idea of navalized Mustangs for some time. In August 1945, P-51H-5-NA #44-64420 was transferred from the Army Air Forces to the Navy. It was used to determine whether the P-51H had low-speed performance that would allow it to operate from carriers. The handling of the aircraft at approach speeds was considered adequate and much better than that of the P-51D. Once this had been ascertained, no further testing was undertaken for some time.

In late 1947, another P-51H was borrowed by the US Navy: P-51H-10-NA #44-64700. This aircraft was modified by the Naval Aircraft Factory and received a center-line catapult attachment point. The aircraft was used to test new catapult equipment. A few catapult launches were made at different weights, and the type was considered suitable for catapulting with no further modification.

(...) Attempts to navalize the Mustang thus came to an end and the “Seahorse” became an amusing and little-known “what-if” part of aviation history.

It remains a whatif. even if an original one. :)
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Re: more carrier-based 109s?
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2013, 05:23:00 AM »

I love this idea for more Bf-109T's. I will like to see the K-4 too.
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