Tried to place a copy of the 3 folders (Hi Res, True Color and 24 bit skins) in the #UP# folder but it doesn't change anything.
You should not be using all three folders, in your Mods folder to make the High Rez Mod work
it does not work like that
it is one or the other folder to make it work,not all three at the same time
I have this Mod working in UP3 RC4 , DBW , DBW 1916 and in SAS modact 3 and also in a seperate SAS modact 4 install
all versions of the game using the same set of .Dll's and all installs using the same" One folder with a couple class files inside" called "24bit Skins"
#UP#/24Bit Skins/ 3C532828FFC4ED40 and 7F958E2469CAE184
This same 24bit Skins folder with the two class files works in every install I have
There are two sets of .dll's so you must try both sets
one is the regular version of .dll's and the other is being called a lite version of .dll's
depending on your Pc,you will need one set or the other and you must test this to see which ones work for you
I do not use JSGME to activate anything for this Mod
I dissected and pasted the 24bit Skins folder directly to each of my Mods folders
#UP#/24bit Skins for UP3 RC4
#DBW/24bit Skins for DBW etc for DBW1916/24bit Skins and into each #SAS folder folder in each game I am running a SAS Modact mod activator
both 4.10 and 4.11
#SAS/24bit Skins