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Author Topic: South-central China WIP  (Read 60337 times)

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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2014, 04:54:50 PM »

Hengyang Version 1 (mostly unpopulated) is ready to download.  Find link on first post of first page.
Download is in Mods/maps section at Mission4Today.com
Populating by Riptide_One will now begin.


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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #85 on: September 22, 2014, 08:01:12 AM »

many thanks! dling now ..  :)
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #86 on: September 22, 2014, 08:38:47 AM »

Hengyang Version 1 (mostly unpopulated) ...

Where the people go?  ???
I thought China had a lot of people?

AAAHAHAHA!  :D I am just joking!
Thank you for the fantastic map! Its beautiful
Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #87 on: September 22, 2014, 08:41:26 AM »

Downloaded your map just now and am reading the "NOTES ON AIRFIELDS" document. I very much like the tips for landing patterns for the various aircraft. This will save a lot of time when I start making missions on this.

Looking forward to flying over this tomorrow.

edit: Just finished a quick flight. Great map. Tip: DO NOT get stuck down low in a box canyon with a Corsair -1C! Flaming wreckage.

Is it me or is the base at Changsha very rough? There seemed to be only a short distance of smooth runway.

Keep up the great work.



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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #88 on: September 22, 2014, 09:48:15 AM »

Is it me or is the base at Changsha very rough? There seemed to be only a short distance of smooth runway.

Keep up the great work.

Sorry.  Some of the runways may be a lil bumpy.  I tested and was still able to takeoff OK.  Airfield ground is all level (should be)  and I added invisible runway plates.  If anyone would like to make runways smoother then be my guest.  I'll include the fixes in next populated version.
Please comment on any other issues.

Funny joke Max!  It does look like the Japanese scared all the civilians away already!


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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #89 on: September 23, 2014, 04:28:30 AM »


Here are the China pictures I mentioned earlier today via PM.

As I mentioned, not all roofs are black or gray. Here are mostly red brick, two story buildings with tan roofs. Also note the sky blue wall enclosing the this village that the city grew up around. In the distance, there is a red brick wall.

This would make a good roof for a rural house. Can you use this?

Villages and walled areas of cities often have an entrance that looks like this. I would be great to have a few like these.

Here is another example of an entrance. These are special examples. Most are not as colorful.

I think there are a number of existing building objects that could work well if the roofs could be modified.

Yangshou, China is located about a 45 minute drive south of Kweillin (current spelling "Guilin").

The pagoda in the game is Japanese. This is a pagoda in Xi'an, China.

It would be great to have some objects in the game that resemble the buildings in these pictures. I don't know how to build or re-skin objects, so I don't know how much time and effort is involved.

In any case, I started populating the Hengyang Map yesterday. When new objects become available, I will be happy to start using them.

As I mentioned earlier, I flew the Hengyang Map briefly yesterday and it was love at first flight :)!




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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #90 on: September 23, 2014, 08:14:04 PM »


Riptide, I think that there are as many totally different regional styles as there are Chinese regions - in fact, probably more. I was inspired by the above image. I believe that this is within the appropriate region for the map. Please correct me if not.

The roof you show is already available as Ufflaake made a set of SE European buildings that use the same pattern more or less. So it can be easily adapted. The buildings in those images look like they may be post war.

We should figure out what type of building - or types - the map needs.


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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #91 on: September 24, 2014, 01:45:19 AM »


First of all, that picture in your post of the village by the river is a perfect example of the kind of objects I would like to see in the game. Note that the name of that file ends with "hunan_china". Hunan province is also the location of Changsha. So, those buildings are appropriate for the Hengyang Map.

As for the pictures in my previous post, some do include modern structures in the background.

Image 1: I am confident that the red brick buildings are consistent with pre-war designs. These are located in Jiangxi Province which shares a boarder with Hunan Province to the west.

Image 2: Possibly a pre-war structure, but consistent with pre-war designs. Located in rural Jiangxi.

Image 3: Located in Tian Jin Shi Province in the northeast of China. Probably a post-war structure, but based on traditional Chinese structures found all over China.

Image 4: Located in Beijing. Age unknown, but based on traditional structures. Once again, typical of structures found all over China but more ornate that most.

Image 5: Located in the village of Xing Ping, south of Kweilin. Pre-war and appropriate for our map.

Image 6: Also located south of Kweilin is Yang Shou. I think the architecture is appropriate for pre-WWII.

Image 7: The Xi'an Pagoda is located in northwest China. I like this structure but I can't say whether or not there is anything like it in the area covered by the Hengyang Map. However, I did find the picture of a pagoda located in Canton (Guangzhou):

I have two other images I would like to share with you. Walls are an important feature in traditional architecture all over China. This is the entrance to the Xi'an Mosque.

I am putting a good number of walls up in the villages. I use the white wall with the red tiles on top because I looks like a common wall types found in traditional Chinese architecture. As indicated by the picture above, there is some variety in traditional walls in terms of color, height and decorative features. It would be good to have some more wall types to chose from.

As indicate on the Hengyang Map, large portions of China are mountainous. Some objects are not very "elevation change friendly". For example, the white wall object forms a "stair step" wall when the terrain is uneven. At present, there is nothing that can be done about this. I have found two versions of a wood fence that over come this problem. One version of this fence works just like the white wall and the other version actually follows the contour of the land. It would be great to have a white wall like that.

The Great Wall, near Beijing:

Also, some objects are more contour friendly than others. For example, I have used the green Nissen Hut as part of a radar station on the tops of mountains. It has a "deep foundation" that makes it look natural on a mountain side. Some buildings project out of the side of a hill or mountain enough that you can look under them. If it is possible to have new China buildings with deep foundations, it would make those building look better on mountain sides.

Alternatively, if a 'hillside foundation' object could be made, that would be great too. You put the building you want on the mountain side and then adjust the location of the ' hill side foundation' object until the building looks like it is supported by the foundation. No more looking up the building's skirt.

OK, I am going to get back to populating :).




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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #92 on: September 24, 2014, 04:44:13 AM »


Regarding multistory buildings, is it possible to join and re-skin existing objects. Below are some ideas/questions:

(1) Could you combine 1 "Russia\RussiaTown House3" with 6 "Hangar OpenStorage\Preau" sheds to make an single house resembling the Pacific House on the right?

(2) The Pacific House on the left is one of my favorites, but to me, it looks like a repair shop are small factory. I think this one would be a good candidate for re-skinning. If you could remove the small room on the side of this building and re-skin it, this one it would be good for more than one new China object. Could the small room be removed/made invisible? It appears to me that some existing objects were created that way. For example, there are some hangars with open doors and some revetments where your plane blows up when you try to taxi into them.

(3) Referring to the house closest to the river, can you combine 2 Slovakia Urban/Urban 06 houses to make 1 two story house?

One problem with this one is that if you align the roofs, there is a gap between the two buildings (see below). Could re-skinning fill the gap?

Let me know what you think :).




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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #93 on: September 24, 2014, 07:09:40 PM »

All the above are do-able, although I couldn't make the extra room disappear in the Pacific house. I would prefer to make it into a shed or storeroom. The problem with the sheds not aligning is structural and no amount of repainting would solve it.

This is a village house that I have been messing around with.



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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #94 on: September 25, 2014, 05:44:25 AM »


Your village house looks great! :)  You have captured the appearance of the Chinese tile roof which will give the cities and villages the "look" we want to achieve. Thanks for the preview.

I think a re-skinned Pacific House, as it is currently configured, would be just as good as one without the side room. The idea of removing the side room was just a what if.




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Re: South-central China WIP
« Reply #95 on: September 25, 2014, 07:59:26 AM »


When you have time, I would like to get your opinion on a few re-skin candidates:

(1) Kiev/RussiaKievUrban 01 - This is the one I suggested attaching several storage sheds to, but that did not work as I have hoped. However, what do you think about re-skinning it by itself? The one problem with it are the roof vents. I don't think they are appropriate for traditional Chinese architecture. I suppose they can't be made invisible.

(2) Northsea Houses/Nos Land 01 - In my opinion, this house looks good even on uneven ground. I would have made the 'foundation' the same color as the house. In any case, its another two-story house candidate.

(3) ToW House II/ToW Fr House 010 - As small, two story house like this would be good to have.

(4) ToW House II/ToW fr House 013 1 h - Another two story house with a kind of randomness to its design. I think a re-skinned version would be good for the Hengyang villages.

(5) ToW House II/ToW RusHouse 002 - I like the simplicity of this house.


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