Have you ever considered making a map of northern Italy? With so much talent at your disposal... And it's such a sorely missed map.
Well, yes. I started one once with Kapteeni some years ago ... but it just never seemed to look good. And also, with maps set in Europe, the populating of objects needs to be done much more stringently. Italy is a densely populated area to begin with. There are cities and towns and villages and hamlets all over the place. More so compared to remote, desert or northern forested areas.
Making maps without placing objects is essentially an exercise in graphics manipulation - setting rgb values, placing pixels in the correct place, aligning various maps with each other, choosing and making textures.
Then comes the populating with 3D objects and it's a whole different paradigm. You have to choose from several thousand objects, place them in a believable relationship with each other and do this up to tens of thousands of times. Luckily there is a group copy/paste function, but even so ... it's a whole different skill. And very time consuming.
That said, Italy is indeed an area that is under-represented in maps ...