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Author Topic: Microdem Play Share Some Screens First Time Game Loading Maps  (Read 2994 times)

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  • Fortress Formosa


You've just made your first ever map in Microdem and you've got it loaded in your Map making version for the first time.  ;D :D 8)

You are so keen to show the community your very very new map.  :)

You may have used Kevin P's initial texture method rgb 31 for the oceans and rgb 7 for the land.

You may have used Clock Watcher's texturing 16 rgb values method in Microdem using a working load.ini to get the map to load.

So c'mon all you mapsters show us your current Microdem play  ;D

This is the thread where you can post some screens of what you have just made in Microdem.

A Few Rules

The screens can NOT be a current project.
The screens can NOT be a near complete project.
The screens can NOT be a map NOT made by you ( like my friend made this he he)

The screens have to be of the beginnings of a map of which you have just got the new map loaded in your map making version.
The screens must be of a new map of which you have not done ANY WORK at all on it.

This thread is NOT to become a WIP thread   (we already have a WIP Maps thread)

This Share Some Screens thread is only for very very very very very new maps.  8)

So c'mon mapsters show us where is your ultra new map in the world.

Let us know the scale of the map. Is it your first map or are you a Microdem addict?

I'll start it off

I am a Microdem addict and have always got my hands in Microdem  ;)
Had the chance to make a new area while the wife was away last Saturday.

It is Irian Jaya formerly Dutch New Guinea.
The map is 100 pixals scale I tried to go less but Microdem just wouldn't budge under a 100 pixals.
I used ClockWatcher's Microdem map_T method with an old half assed load.ini to get it to load.
I really wanted to see how the mountains looked
Here are the results

Share Some Screens of your ultra new map   ;)
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