can't see how the DBW static will help for anything other than a 70% crash, mate.
for starters i don't have a single modded ship installed yet, let alone any other vehicles, etc, just to further highlight how i am just getting nowhere step forward, 3 steps back, sort of thing.
tried the texmipfilter and texcompress options before even starting this thread, lol....
thing is, i know my stuff well enough, so that when i post and ask for help, it's generally as a last resort.
it means i've already tried pretty much everything i know, and nothing has helped.
which is why my problems are seldom able to be resolved as simply as most others...
i know that sometimes there might be something obvious i've overlooked, which is what i hope for when i post for help.
i have at this stage removed every single classfiles mod, except for STD and XTD folders, and still i get the 30% crashes.
if i select stock game on the selector, it works.
soon as i select ModAct again, it just carries on with the 30% mission load fail.
i pretty much can see from how this thread is going that there isn't going to be any fix other than a reinstall....not that i don't appreciate all the efforts at trying to help.
the thing is, that doesn't help any - it's like treating the symptoms (with a hacksaw) and not the disease.
as you guys know, i am already into double figures with the amount of reinstalls i have done over the last 3 months,, and each time it lasts a couple of days, before some strange shit just happens again. (oh, and let's not forget the new reinstall i made since starting this thread, which just instantly inherited the same problems from its predecessor.)
never any clue as to what or why, never any closer as to the reasons for the shit in the first place.
not the way i like to handle things. give me a fixed reason, and i can avoid it.
so far, the only thing that works is the stock game, so perhaps this is fate just telling me to give this modding business a rest.
i wish i could sound a bit more positive, but i've pretty much run out of happy thoughts, i'm afraid.
i do appreciate the efforts at help, though, guys, i really do.
thanks to all