Looks good, thanks Phas3e.
Coincidentally, I just finished reading "Darwin Spitfires" by Anthony Cooper (2011). An interesting and well written account of the RAAF No 1 Fighter Wing (comprising RAAF 452 and 457 squadrons and RAF 54 squadron) somewhat ill-fated 1943 Darwin area operations. What was a real eye opener was the extraordinary unreliability of the Spitfire Vc aircraft they were flying. A high number of CSU failures leading to over revving and engine failures caused a number or aircraft to abort on almost every mission, and the totally unacceptable canon failures - if they fired for more than one second it was a surprise to the pilots! - leading to most attacks being pressed home with the .303's only, when they didn't jam as well. Interestingly, most of the problem was attributed to the extreme high altitudes for combat in the NWA area, over 30000 ft being common. The Wingco - Clive Caldwell - wanted the standard Spit armament of 2 x 20mm canon + 4 x.303 replaced with the more reliable US setup of 6 x .50 machine guns (now there's a potential mod).
Aircraft unreliability combined with poor tactics (the Big Wing, not fighting in pairs, etc) meant that the Wing had a rather frustrating campaign, with far less success than hoped for. Interestingly though, when they weren't bounced, the Spitfires did well in dogfights against the Zero's. Overall an interesting read and recommended for anyone interested in WW11 aviation.