This maps he do look wonderful but please i do have for you serious question about 2048 textures creation
Is possible textures they can be maked from 1024 x 1024 to be 2048 textures? i did think that maybes only this can to increase size for textures to maked them to become bigger so now fields they do become 4x bigger and this can to be only effect.
I also did think 2048 must to be created from begining and not from 1024 textures because you can created details with bumph texture to produce details at 1024 textures with not have to maked to be bigger into 2048, i am creating new textures at Narvik map and so for me is interesting i do want to know.
You could create 2048 sized textures starting from 1024 textures, but then you'll need at least 2 different, but similar 1024 textures to work from. If you work from 1 texture in 1024, you won't have enough variation to cover the large area and will probably end up with very repetitive textures. In any case you can't simply upscale 1024 at 200% and then be able to use. You won't see any difference between the two so it has little sense in doing so.
There are exceptions though that work OK. I have for instance taken an airfield texture 'sk_modavala_fields.tga' which is a very uniform texture, and made it into a 2048. This works because the original texture is a smooth texture, no variations in landscape to speak of. So you can paste original into a new 2034x2048 several times and flip/mirror it each time to avoid repetition.
But otherwise, it's best to use at least 2, but preferably more, 1024 textures and make them into one 2048 texture. The landscapes depicted must be similar though so that they can blended ... not only the landscape itself, but also color range and tones ... this last can be done in Photoshop with the 'match color' command.