Hi ! I don't know if someone still uses this cool mod plane, but I frequently do
(thank you to CWatson and SAS~Riken for it !) and had something to suggest. I hope I don't break any rule by doing this, and will of course change or remove my post if asked.
I've recently made some research about lend-lease P-47 fighters ; USSR received something like 200 P-47D, and they used them mostly for air defense. But the Thunderbolt was ultimately considered by russian pilots as a 'navy fleet' aircraft. Something else : russian Thunderbolts may have been delivered with external machine guns removed : it's been done for this mod plane already, and considering a naval use for this fighter-bomber gave me some ideas about a what-if campaign involving russian aircraft carrier...
Anyway, the only thing is about the bomb load ; one bomb only appears quite 'light' for the Thunderbolt, even for carrier use.
According to some sources, the P-47 was able to carry 2 FAB-250 as a dive-bomber and 3 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 in horizontal flight. I did not find any information about rockets, but assuming it would be a ship hunter, at least a pair of russian rockets under the wings could be useful too. The question is : would anyone with the needed skills be interested in improving this plane's loadout ?
I know this is an old mod, and I could turn this post into a proper request elsewhere if SAS Team members or anyone ask for it ; but this navalized P-47D happens to be a perfect candidate for the what-if project I had in mind. It could sure be worth as a request for a different, stand-alone and more realistic option on a more traditional P-47 model, by the way.