Hi Wind.
Have you found a solution for the "bug" with the Ar-196 in the recon sub-campaign? DCG still generates only transfer missions instead of armed recons,no matter if I set the "action Radius" to the max. or check/uncheck the "no transfers option" in the DCG panel.seems like DCG can´t handle a floatplane on this map?
Have not found a solution yet for the Ar-196 generating only transfer missions. Likely best is if you wish to fly an Ar-196 campaign is to fly as a flight lead position and go "hunting" with your flight. I included a road route and sea lane mission file to allow the player to become familiar with where the routes and lanes are on the map (paste these .mis files into a Missions/Campaigns/GB/recon/ folder and open in FMB to view). This will help flying armed recon as you can fly over those lanes while on the way to the transfer base. Additionally, for the Ar-196, you can likely update the weapons loadout via the DCG UI to include ordinance for all flight types to be sure there are bombs attached even for a transfer mission.
Of note, there is also a "bug" tied to spawn points for the AR-196 (seaplanes) at some bases. I believe this is a map issue as the planes spawn in the water, but immediately explode. The explosion is not caused by loadout, but rather something with the map (perhaps elevation?). I have seen this on some of the African coast spawn bases for seaplanes. Fix here is that if you are transfered to a north African seaplane base that is known to be a bug, set DCG via DCG UI to base plane at different base before generating next mission.
All in all, will continue to flush out issues in the campaign, and may make some other tweaks for the period plane set. May also add a RAAF/SAAF fighter campaign to get some Aussies in to fly with, along with perhaps a US fighter/attack campaign which will both start a little later in the timeline.