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Author Topic: HSFX Russian Language Fix  (Read 4851 times)

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HSFX Russian Language Fix
« on: April 29, 2013, 06:53:24 AM »

Hello all

Let me start by saying HSFX is awsome. I get better frame rates with it than stock and the FX are way better.

Only problem is the Russian language thing. Campaigns are all in Russian. After a lot of experimenting(backing up of course) I found that HSFX changed the default lang to Russian. For example, in the ini files in the DGen folder, it keeps changing the language to Russian. Also, in FMB, with HSFX dissabled, it creates a mission file and a properties file like somemission.mis and somemission.properties. With HSFX enables, it creates a properties file like somemission_ru.properties. I've tried all the suggestions like in conf.ini changing the the lang to =en but that didn't work. The alternative for now is to fix all the files in the DGen folder and the NGen folder. It works but still gives problems with things like Mission Pro. I tried the sas modact fix by replacing all the files in the DGen folder but that didn't work either. The files in the NGen folder also need to be fixed. The main problem seems to be in either ilsfb.exe or wrapper.dll or both.

Thanks for an awsome mod.

Bob N


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Re: HSFX Russian Language Fix
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 07:24:23 AM »

Englisg Carrer Language fix

no support,it is a very old mod
from when you had to change your game into a Russian game in order to be able to Mod it
From the old day's when all there was.... was "The Russian Sound Mod"
then eventually this fix came out, to change the language back to English after you Modded your game into a Russian game so you could Mod it

Modpacks have this installed already,and it has been that way for some time now
you must have been changing files in your DGEN or NGEN folder to have them change like that  ?

If not,then something messed up installing IMHO



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Re: HSFX Russian Language Fix
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2013, 08:52:50 AM »

Hi UP~Boomer

Thanks for responding. I tried that fix and it didn't work. Still Russian.

I didn't change anything. It was a vanilla patched up to 4111. All in english. I played it that way for quite some time. Did the stock capaigns and everything. As soon as I installed HSFX 6.0, it all went right to Russian. It seems as though the whole games default lang is Russian. When I dissable HSFX, it goes back to English. I saw a post somewhere that mentions the wrapper.dll. If I enable only the HSFX History mod, it goes to Russian.

If I enable Mission Pro, the Campaigns don't load. It freezes the game.

Hope this sheds some light.


Bob N


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Re: HSFX Russian Language Fix
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2013, 10:08:00 AM »

If using the SAS Il-2 selector to switch back and forth

IF YOU checkmarkED "enable files caching" on the IL-2 Selector then no changes can take place in your game
your game loads from the files it caches from last time it shut down

Now if you want to change something,then you can delete the wrapperdll and your game will load the changes
then when it shuts down it will cache new files again for next loading

That is what I know of the wrapperdll

That and the IL-2 selctor has nothing to do with the language changing though IMHO

It seems it is on HSFX end or installation,try patching and installing again

It mayt be better to post this @ HSFX


sorry I couldn't help with that old Mod


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Re: HSFX Russian Language Fix
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2013, 12:29:48 PM »

I'm not using the sas mod activator. I'm just using JSGME that installed with HSFX

Here is what I found over there.

Problem (General) -All mission briefings are either missing or in

Detail : This is because all mod versions use the Russian version of the game.

Solution - Copy the mission briefing file:- eg. MyBrilliantmission.properties
Then add _RU to the end. So it becomes MyBrilliantmission_RU.properties

I fixed all the files in the NGen and DGen folder. I guess it will have to do. I looked on my server and all the other languages are missing. They are all with the _ru.dat but when I open them, they are in English. The only option Mission pro gives in Campaigns is Chutes on or off. No big loss. I found that it freezes after you start you first Campaign. I'll just dissable Mission Pro when I do a Campaign. ANyway, I'm diging into SEOW so all will be fine anyway. I just want to fly some Campaigns and check out the flow of it all before I start building them.

Thanks for the input. It did get me an answer.

Bob N


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Re: HSFX Russian Language Fix
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2013, 12:41:05 PM »

Ah good for you,glad you got it sorted  :)

Except for the campaighn part etc.
as you say though not to much trouble switching back and forth

Thanks for posting how you made out,helps others when someone comes back and posts end result


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