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Author Topic: Mission clock  (Read 995 times)

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Mission clock
« on: May 30, 2013, 01:54:57 AM »

Would it be possible to have a mission clock set in a corner of the fmb so that when testing a mission
by flying it in full mission builder with the map open you can see what time something needs to be added, deleted, changed or otherwise modified.
As it is now I park a player’s plane with a clock in it on a field far from the action but this entails pausing the game then changing views in order to see the mission time then back to the mission play.
This may happen many times during the making of a mission and is time consuming.
I don’t know if this is possible or not but would be a big help.


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Re: Mission clock
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 02:08:22 AM »

when you set AC waypoints in FMB, it displays the time (estimate) that it will take the AC to reach each waypoint.
all you really need to do is set waypoints, and depending on the AC speed, you will see the time elapsed at each waypoint. no need to even fly the mission, really.
so, basically it isn't really necessary to add any clocks or such, imo.
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Re: Mission clock
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2013, 04:47:41 AM »

Well... Ibis' question does quite make sense...

As I have seen, what you say is correct, more or less, Malone. I mean, when you create a mission, you will have no problem with the time indicated on the waypoint as long as the concerned planes are airstart. But, if they start from the ground, having to take off, things are changing. They will need time to take off (and the more planes have to take off, the bigger will the delay be), and this is not implemented in the elapsed time counter.

As long as I know, the best solution until now, when you create a mission, is to play it to test it, using the autopilot. This way, you will see if the rendez-vous are OK or not !


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Re: Mission clock
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2013, 06:16:00 PM »

 Thanks guys for your input. I don't actually fly a plane in fmb but park it at another spot so I know the mission time and away from the action. Then play the mission at 8x, that way you can watch what each flight is doing, if they will interact as you want them to,  and with static cameras you can also see whether mission objectives ie ground strikes etc are going as planned.

 Many times unintended meetings of fighters reacting to enemy fighters (that may have been delayed because of  an intercept elsewhere) creates all sorts of problems with your intended objective so sorting this out in the building stage saves much time.
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