On MyMap_C.tga you need to specify water with RGB 0
Any grey's in the water so to speak, will produce underwater Coral like on Pacific maps for example
Surf for seashore and no surf for inland rivers needs to be defined on map_t.tga
water RGB 31 (surf)
water RGB 30 (no surf)
Other than the RGB values,RGB 32,RGB 64 and RGB 128 that are used for the roads/highways and rail roads
RGB values that are above 40 used on the water on map_c, are used to simulate shallow water and surf around coastlines
you won't see water on these areas even though in map_T you've created water textures
The map_C and mapC_tga.table, are what make shallow areas or deep shoals in water
Below is an RGB and load.ini Slot guide with that small explanation on Map_C at bottom of the guide
hope this helps
2.Not true,I use photobucket all the time on my Pc
and I have used it as recently as one minute ago to upload a photo,just to check to make sure
RGB /load.ini guide>
low0 RGB 0
low1 RGB 1
low2 RGB 2
low3 RGB 3
mid0 RGB 4
mid1 RGB 5
mid2 RGB 6
mid3 RGB 7
mount0 RGB 8
mount1 RGB 9
mount2 RGB 10
mount3 RGB 11
country0 RGB 12
country1 RGB 13
country2 RGB 14
country3 RGB 15
city0 RGB 16
city1 RGB 17
city2 RGB 18
city3 RGB 19
airfield0 RGB 20
airfield1 RGB 21
airfield2 RGB 22
airfield3 RGB 23
woods RGB 24
water RGB 31 (surf)
water RGB 30 (no surf)
secondary roads RGB 32
railways RGB 64
highways RGB 128
last three RGB values are flattened,RGB 32,RGB 64 and RGB 128
Other than the RGB values above for the roads/highways and rail roads
RGB values that are above 40, are used to simulate shallow water and surf around coastlines
you won't see water on these areas even though in map_T you've created water textures.
The map_C and mapC_tga.table, are what make shallow areas or deep shoals in water
Here is an RGB Guide I made some time ago to use in Gimp
use as a layer,the use the color picker tool to quickly pick which RGB value you want to work with