1 hour ago:
Freedom for what?
Freedom for whom?
Freedom to steal, kill, corrupt, lying, cheating, trafficking and addictive?
Freedom for thieves, murderers, corrupt and corrupting, for liars, drug dealers, addicts and hypocrites?
Speak of a "night" that lasted 21 years, while closing their eyes to the turmoil, the robbery and outrage that, in daylight, has lasted 26!
Much is at liberty!
Freedom which is visible from inside the house, behind bars for safety, inside armored cars and tinted windows!
But ultimately, what you see?
It is seen shootings, incompetence, corruption, gangs and gang members, gang warfare and drug dealers, Pacification Police, Army in the hills, negotiating with gangsters, violence and a lot of hypocrisy.
Looking ahead, we see assaults, rapes, pedophile teachers demoralized, threatened and killed, see "bullying", collusion and lies, we see children who kill, drugged child, starving children, armed children, children dragged, murdered children.
From the window of the apartment and see the screens of televisions trawlers, blockades of streets and roads, land invaded, attacked slums, crooked cops and armed robbery.
We live in a lawless land, witnessing massacres, killings and kidnappings.
A land where the family is not value, where minors are exploited and abused by parents, relatives, friends, countrymen and foreigners.
But, after all, where do we live?
We live in the country of impunity where crime pays and the criminal is known, recognized, rewarded, compensated and made a hero!
Where villains of all collars make laws for themselves, organize "mensalões" sentences and sell!
In this land, the property of others, anytime and anywhere, is taken from their owners, banks are robbed and boxes exploded.
It is here, in the land of "freedom", that we find the "cracolândia" and "robauto", "dominated" and guarded by the police!
We live in the country of veiled censorship, the "microwave", the curfews, the law of silence and the peaceful coexistence of the offender and the lawman.
Country where thugs rule the crime and life in prison, where farms are invaded, destroyed crops and livestock decimated, not counting when they destroy years of scientific research, sunk!
But, after all, who is the freedom that you see?
Wow, we are prisoners of fear and impunity hostages or brigandage organized and institutionalized the controls?
After all, those were the dark "years of lead" or years of peace?
We live in And these are years of freedom or compensation of crime, outrage and disorder?
How much falsehood, lie quanta quanta villainy still have to endure, feel and suffer, until the indignation brings us back to shame, self-esteem and dignity?
When will we, men and women as well, we will bring back our freedom?