Hi Dakpilot,
I've installed these three mods with no problems..
4.12 Stock_fix Cowling Engines & prop
FW190 Cowling Mod for 410
Fw-190A-9 Patch
These two cause separate conflicts..
Fw-190_fix Spinners (version 12?)
When I put these 2 folders either by themselves, OR, together in
the SAS folder, then while in QMB in the arming screen you
cannot view the aircraft. You pick on the button to preview
your armament choice, and nothing happens?
I d/l this file, Fw-190_fix Spinners, yesterday from this page
which is the page that you referenced..
Dare I assume that I have the right file? I did not see any other
Fw190 files on the page....?
I'm trying to figure this out because I REALLY want to install
claymores Fw190 mega pack! Yet, I hesitate because I'm worried
that I may expend a large effort to install the Fw190 mega pack
and then to have this same type of reaction...
I'm not complaining too much though, since this mod.....
FW190 Cowling Mod for 410, DOES work, I do have 'correct'
looking Fw190's in the game.

PLUS....My new computer came with (yuck!) Windows 8, so I'm busy
working through that as well.. Lucky for me that I've used computers
since about 1988, so Windows 8 is not all THAT bad....

Thanks again..