Maggot stated that only original maps are correct. I'm taking this as he means they are geographically correct
Hmmmm ... I've made new ed-maps for some of the old default maps. This is done by making overlays from various map sites that are based on satellite imagery. So I am presuming these are correct.
Now, there are many types of projections that can be used to make a map, but without getting into any discussion about which is preferable I can truly say that it is virtually impossible to make an overlay from satellite imagery that can be used on a default map. All proportions are off, rivers and cities have different locations.
I tried this again not long ago with the retextured Ardennes map. The retexturing is fantastic but whoever made the original default map itself certainly didn't use any kind of map that I could recognize. No matter how I tried to resize satellite overlays, it was a mess. Nothing fit anywhere and I just gave up.
The point being, that default maps don't really seem to be very geographically correct when compared to satellite data. There will be some distortion depending on the latitude, but even so, I could not get any handle on the discrepancies between default game map and satellite overlays ...
Anyway, I would not pay any of these requirements much mind. They are from a different reality, from a world where some believe they can fuse corporate capitalism with feudalism. In this world, all things are strictly delineated and divided up amongst the powerful - corporations (the new liege lords) - and cast into iron-clad rules, customs and obligations very much as in the Feudal Age.
If you don't wish to function according to such a starkly regimented set of rules, then you can always run away to the new Sherwood Forest with its Merry Band of Il-2 Modders ... ha ha.