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Author Topic: New-TFM  (Read 277488 times)

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #720 on: December 04, 2013, 12:48:32 PM »

thanks so much, however i am getting a 60% craSH after installing 8 of them, is it because they need a certain amout installed, by the way it was a clean dbw with no mods installed at all, so confused, any help i will apreciate loads, thanks :) sorry for being a pest

ps: ive messed up my game so im starting again, any help will be greatly apreciated :) basically i installed the huge superpack which gets stock 4.07 to dbw 1.71. thats okay, i have that up and running, my problem occurs with  the NEW full monty, thats the smaller one.



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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #721 on: December 04, 2013, 02:57:03 PM »

Robbie, dont be impatient, just Install the whole package first before you do any thing, or you will be starting over and over and over again dude
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #722 on: December 04, 2013, 06:52:45 PM »

Hi guys,
A huge thank you for all of the hours you put into TFM and of course all the modders. I have been flying IL2 since the beginning.
I installed to the letter the instructions and everything loads and works excellent so far.
Now I will install DCG and head to the Eastern front to report for duty.
I now have a rig that will handle all these new treats.
I have been off for a year due to real life issues.
Thank you again!
Railer :)


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #723 on: December 04, 2013, 07:38:39 PM »

finally ive got it up and running, my mistake misplaced a file in my eagerness to get it up and running, however i do not have the mods section in my conf ini, and it says to help make tiger33 sound mod better, i need to change flyby to =0 in the [Mods] section, and also the air show smoke sounded pretty cool, can someone help please? thanks very much


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #724 on: December 04, 2013, 08:04:24 PM »

Hi Robbie,
Copy from the first page of this thread the mods section that Simon has posted and paste it right after the existing sound section in your conf.
It works perfect.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #725 on: December 05, 2013, 09:10:16 AM »

awesome, thanks railer, got the airshow smoke up and running too!!!!! however can i make it thicker, because when im flying in jets, its just so thin, its fine how it is, although it would be great if it could be improved :)

Typhoon Ib

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #726 on: December 14, 2013, 11:04:26 PM »

Guys this drives me nuts.
separate install: dbw1.71
DBW folder: as recommended, the clean one.
jsgme: clean everything to the left.

What does one do with the 512-selector, unzip into the main folder? its the only place that makes sense.
nobody says a word on that.

can i launch with only the first part or do i NEED to have all the parts? enabling them all in jsgme takes hours with neverending warnings for overwriting files.
i would rather just slap everything into the DBW folder, overwrite, and be done with it.

this is bonkers.


i really mean it like that.
instead of stacking 3 mods on top of 4.10, why not strip them bare and call it UP4?
I mean, this "great news! UP3.1 update is round the corner" that was posted in the Lounge is merely a sad Joke...
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #727 on: December 14, 2013, 11:12:24 PM »

because on top of NTFM, one needs the wheels and cowlings mods too.
so that is actually five layers elements that need to be compatible, the "other" mods
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #728 on: December 15, 2013, 01:35:07 AM »

Hello Typhoon!

to answer your questions:

to start with - BEFORE- adding newTFM, make sure to have a working UP3/DBW install!
back that one up, but I am sure I need not tell you this :)

forget the JSGME as well! you can have a working 4.101 install that has clean DBW/SCW/DBW 1916/(new)TFM available via the Selector you have mentioned, that´s the beauty of the Selector;
but take the one from the new Modact version :)

there is a great tutorial from Bravo on how to configure the Selector and if you have additional questions, feel free to ask via PM;

I am with you that for a current up to date 4.101/DBW/newTFM install, the situation is very complex and one has to follow a strict mod loading order to have certain mods working, the Blue Flames for example;

but I think packing everything up to create something like DBW 1.8 or DBW 2.0 would require a team effort of a dedicated team here; first of all to define what should be in and what should be left out, than create a working install with the agreed upon mods, and finally packing it up in sfs files to ease up the loading procedure;
of course all creators of mods involved would have to be asked to agree to include their work in such an endeavour!

but I think creating a "new" DBW would be a nice task, be it as improvement over DBW1.71 or entirely new and based upon 4.12


Typhoon Ib

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #729 on: December 15, 2013, 05:52:48 AM »

oh, i am all with you on the "back the freak up!" strategy.
Lots of space, for a dedicated NTFM install, so no hassle.

to answer my own question... yes, i can run with only the first of the thirty packs.
i ams tarting to get this thing to work, but i do not remember walking such a long road before...
that goes back to cfs3, in 03 with the countries mod, 1% mod and stuff...

and as said.... when NTFM is rolling, there is a lot of other stuff to do. Jeronimos stuff, the widescreen fix. the 24bit/2048pixel skins, things that do not necessarily add content, but Framework.

first time in a 219. no tracers against the lancasters. feels weird, but it makes sense.
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #730 on: December 15, 2013, 12:04:26 PM »

I have both packs, TFM and new TFM in a Selector based DBW install, but I have never really used TFM since I got newTFM up and running and further modded it;
I am limiting the planeset to the 1938 to 1959 timeframe so there is no need for me for more jets, the SAMs, helicopters like the Mi-8/24 or the Huey etc...
newTFM is simply copying the various respective parts into the respective folder (in my case #newTFM) in a selector based install, letting each part overwrite certain files if required...
the whole process takes about 10 minutes on my rig and if done in a safe temporary folder to check the filestructure first and make changes if needed is virtually bullett proof to do :)
as you mentioned CFS3, I know that was a little hard to mod; in my case, modding started with AoTP where there were some additions to the 1946 pack which introduced new planes like the XP-72 (one bird I´d like to see flying in IL2 sometime) and then of course came CFS2 with all its addon planes and stuff :)

but Il2 has grown into something completely different now.

but as you have said, once you get newTFM up and running, there is a few things to add still, but Simon has provided a great base with which to start...

btw, I looked rather silly myself when I first tried the F6F-5N against a Jap Betty bomber and pressed the trigger...the gunsound was there, but no tracers...
only when the bits and pieces started to come off the Betty, I realized what was going on...really great stuff..
concerning the HE-219, and other German nightfighters, ARAIK, some used a few tracers mixed with normal ammo, some did not, out of fear that using tracers might give their presence away to other gunners in bombers or the prowling RAF nightfighters; but mostly, late in the war, tracers were not used in LW nightfighters...

Typhoon Ib

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #731 on: December 15, 2013, 09:08:43 PM »

yup... anything past Hiroshima is not my cup of tea, except a few "conventional" items a la meteor for example, so i will remove some planes, and add others, like the P-40 pack... the "sumbeechtwocee" and similar.

Il-2 Community P-40 Pack v1.0
Credits (in no particular order):
Karaya, SAS~Anto, Beowolff, Checkyersix, Birdman, Red_Fox90, SAS~Sani, Cranky.1, SAS~Cirx, HaDeS, SAS~BombsAway, Highlander

1) Delete ALL previous versions of the P-40F, L, N and K (include Kittybomber Mk III) as well as the P-40 opening canopies and wings fix prior to installation
2) Extract archive to your MODS, #SAS or #DBW folder within your Il-2 modded install
3) Find air.ini, plane_ru and weapons_ru, and add lines as per below
4) Please note the updated loadouts for the P-40E and P-40M

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