the JSGME application - the exe resides in the main folder of your game install; it reads from the JSGMEMODS folder IIRC;
inside that folder, all the stuff you want to load via the JSGME should reside; BUT it is important to keep the file structure of the folders consistent with the game file structure;
this means: DBW-Mods reside in the #DBW folder in the main game folder;
they are named whatever you want like "testmod" for example; within this folder, there can reside classfiles, other folders like "3do" or "aircraft" or "Cockpit" or whatever
if you want to add something via JSGME now, you need to keep that file structure; the mod enabler basically is just a copy and paste tool, it copies stuff out of the JSGMEMODS folder into the MAIN INSTALL FOLDER of your game;
therefor, if the file structure of the mod you want to add is wrong inside the JSGME folder, than the files are not placed correctly within the game;
and this is what I think went wrong with your install;
it sounds much more complicated than it actually is, but a wrongly placed mod folder or a folder with the wrong file structure can ruin your modding day quickly, a lesson I have learned the hard way myself over the modding years;
the plain vanilla DBW folder is there just for reference, to provide a common starting point before adding the TFM packs;
you dont need this one if you have a working DBW 1.71 install;
after getting up to version 1.71 of DBW, just fire it up via the IL2Configurator and see if it loads up correctly;
if it does, you are set to add TFM;
if it does not, you made a mistake and need to start again-without a working DBW 1.71 version, it does not make any sense at all to try and add TFM;
TFM is basically a very well laid out and integrated set of mods, put on top of the original DBW which in itself is a set of mods, put onto a working 4.101 game install.
hope this helps