Here are some upgrades and addons for New-TFM. These are, as usual, small packages to download, with a LOT of new content. Carefully tested for performance and compatibility with all of the New-TFM features.
EFFECTS & 3D UPGRADE#DBW-NewTFM-36-3D UpgradeSome wonderful new effects and 3D work have been developed over the past year. Careful testing with the previous TFM now allows these addons to be seemlessly integrated into your New-TFM install.
DBW-NewTFM-36 now has more great new environmental sounds that can be added in FMB as static objects. Stuka40 and CY6 have brought the airfields, coastlines, forests and cities to life with these wonderful environmental sounds! The extra sounds feature in many New-TFM campaigns, and it would simple to retro mission-patch any others, so don't miss out!
Featuring various Upgrades to 3D models, sounds and textures.
1)sputnikshock's Navaid and Gee Beacon Mod
2)Japan Cat's Zero Expansion
3)Ten010's Zero Trainer
4)Wildcat's 3D Imports
5)archie1971's Elephant
6)Stuka40's Enviromental FX
7)INI Updates and Fixes
WESTLAND ADDON#DBW-NewTFM-37-Westland AddonWhat a fine pair! This pack adds the Westland Whirlwind, by 101tfs and SAS~Storebror and the Westland Wyvern by Mikoyan99. Once installed I recommend Poltava's excellent Whirlwind campaign.
Reaping the Whirlwind*****************************