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Author Topic: New-TFM  (Read 277555 times)

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #780 on: January 09, 2014, 02:46:13 AM »

60% crash is quite easy to track, at least it always was in my install - own stupidity :D (dont want to offense you marco :) )
no serious - if the game crashes at 60%, you are either missing an entry in the air.ini or have the entry but miss the files (eg the plane that goes along with it);

have you modified your TFM install in any way? I mean did you add your own aircraft, maps, objects?
if so, you will have to add the content of any new TFM package manually, which is easily doable if you know what you are doing; but simply copying over the STD folder with the ini and properties files will surely crash your game then;

if you have not modified the stock TFM install, no planes, maps, objects added, it should be ok to simply copy over the STD folder into your install and add the package files in the correct file structure;

load up crashes (5, 60, 70%) have always been directly related to a wrong file structure, missing ini entries or missing files in my case;
5 and 60 are easy to trace, a 70% can give you nightmares far beyond a jealous girlfriend if you like your IL2 install :)

oh and a little bit contrary to what marcost said, you can also revert from a direct install TFM - ask me, I have done it quite often by now :)

1) BACK UP YOUR ENTIRE STD folder (from the running install you want to add stuff to)
2) add the stuff you want to add (keeping track of what you add and how it is called; for example, I label all aircraft with an AIR_ before the actual file name, that way all aircraft are easily identifyable - within the correct mod loading order of course)
3) if your game crashes, try to resolve why, if you cannot, simply delete the last added mods and revert back to the backed up working STD folder

hope this helps so far

best regards


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #781 on: January 09, 2014, 04:00:47 AM »

Hi Phil, many thanks for your reply  :). Yes, I added some stuff, as planes, e.g. Hawk H-75 by karaya, Hs-123, clouds as Bender's ultimate environment, effects as smoke trials for mg-ff, but unfortunately I not kept track of them... :(

Maybe if I could to insert my logfile all would be more easy to found the troubles...

How could I post the entire logfile here, please? When I try to load logfile is not complete when I post the message... :(...

Thanks for your help and patience...




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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #782 on: January 09, 2014, 04:10:14 AM »

Marko I have a pretty good idea what the problem is...
Just post your air.ini or write a pm with the content of your air.ini :)


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #783 on: January 09, 2014, 08:13:24 AM »

Hi Phil, I try by pm to you and Bravo.

Many thanks for all your help!!!





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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #784 on: January 09, 2014, 10:55:04 AM »

Hello Marco!

thanks for the air.ini, unfortunately it is not complete;
but I think I know what I need to know to diagnose your 60% crash;
I noticed you have a load of planes in the air.ini, that newTFM does not contain by default;
there are HE-111A and Bs, many SCW planes and others that Simon has not packed into newTFM;
so if you use the air.ini as provided in the newTFM packs (they contain the Whirlwind and the Wyvern), you will crash with 60% because the air.ini files do not contain all these birds;

you would have to merge the two air.ini files as well as the planes.ru and the weapons.ru with something like WinMerge to get a working install...

alternatively, you add all the apprpriate ini lines for the aircraft you have added yourself again..



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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #785 on: January 10, 2014, 01:40:22 AM »

Hi Phil, thanks for suggestion! Winmerge merge really all the lines of the files or it delete and replace?




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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #786 on: January 10, 2014, 07:04:32 AM »

Markino, It is a good habit to save any Modified .ini's prior to Updating any Mod Pack. Then you can replace them after you updated your Pack.
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #787 on: January 10, 2014, 08:35:59 AM »

Hello Marco!

as Bravo has said - before you add anything - BACK UP the relevant files (I always back up the whole STD folder - better to be safe than lucky in this regard)
if you mod a mod package, you really need to know what you are doing and how modding works; simply copying files around and adding a line there and then in an ini file is prone to get you a crashing install;

in your case, my suggestion would be to first analyze, memorize or finding out in any other way, which planes you have added yourself to the stock new TFM!
then, unzip the new TFM packages to a safe place and analyze the file structure there - you will find the STD folder with some ini and .ru files, namely those that contain updated lines;
if you have only added aircraft to your stock TFM, you are lucky...you just need to add some stuff to the air.ini, the plane.ru and the weapons.ru
alternatively, take your air.ini, weapons.ru and plane.ru and just add the necessary lines for the Westland Whirlwind and the Westland Wyvern from their respective readme files;
can be done in 2 minutes :)
if you have not modified other ini files, the static, stationary, ships or whatever, you can safely overwrite your other "old" ini files with the new ones from the packages 36 and 37;

WinMerge does not do anything by itself, it just compares two or more files with each other, pointing out the differences and letting you move identified differences around - you need to see for yourself how it works;

but as said already, WinMerge is a tool for semi-pros and pros who know their way around the ini files;
for my install, I need it always when adding stuff Simon provides, as my own install is highly modified;
but once again - be careful when using WinMerge - it is not a click and be happy tool; its more of a there are the differences what shall i do for you thingie

hope this helps


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #788 on: January 10, 2014, 09:39:30 AM »

+1   Very good Post Griff.
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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #789 on: January 10, 2014, 01:45:00 PM »

hi I have a problem with Wellington. in the QMB line is, but the image window is empty. N - TFM works perfectly. I followed the instructions and removed the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW, remained AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY. where I made a mistake?


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #790 on: January 11, 2014, 10:56:10 AM »

Guys, can I not clear described the problem? I write poorly in English, sorry)))


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #791 on: January 12, 2014, 03:36:20 AM »

Hello guys, well, thanks to the hints by Griffon I was able, finally, to set all New-TFM, #36, #37 and reaping Whirlwind. :) :)
I checked very well the new stuffs, I carefully read all the "readme" documents, and setting manually all stuffs.
Now BDW works fine. I checked A6M2-k+weapons, Whirlwind and Wyvern, plus Whirlwind campaign and all is working. HurrĂ !!!

I also made a backup copy of my working #DBW+#37... ;)...

Many thanks to you all guys, for helps and patience!!!!


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