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Author Topic: New-TFM  (Read 272697 times)

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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #948 on: March 13, 2014, 09:25:24 PM »

1. There's no way to use the 30km version?
2. I already did the "fix" to those class files, (deleting them or renaming them -on my last try i deleted the files to be sure-) but i dont get what you mean with "commenting", i mean i know what commenting is (put ; to "line" in the files to make a command line neutral, iow to make then useless... or am i wrong?)

1. If you want a slideshow you can use the 30km version lol, but in all seriousness, just drop the classfiles from the 10km version inside your gurner fx 4.3 folder inside your #DBW folder. Also, make sure when commenting out classfiles you are doing it in your #DBW folder not the jsgmemods folder.

2. NO! From my knowledge, you must put a "-" in front of the classfile, not a ";"

3. I looked at your mods folder and you have WAY to many mods on top of the New Full Monty. The Full Monty is designed as a standalone mod pack for DBW. It is supposed to have very few (if any mods) used with it. It includes maps, planes, objects, effects, vehicles, etc. etc. So I am sure you have conflicts. It would be best to start with a vanilla DBW and then add mods one by one that don't break your install. Some likely culprits include:

Try disabling those and then let me know if anything changes! Best of luck!

ST THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU =) the problem was the 30km version, i placed the class files from the10km and its working AWESOMEEE, love the sounds, love the looks, love my 60fps back =).
I use the third party mods (as i labeled them so...) because i made a mod that combines two mods, one that enables the bullet shells, and other that regulates the amount of shells (i dont like the "smoke instead of shells" mod, neither the massive ammount of shells that you see in the standart DWB nor the dark colour that some mods put onto those shells, so i've made one that fills my soul =), the exact amount of shells is the exact amount of bullets shot + a nice bronce colour, and no ugly "default" shells like those in the original IL2.), other than that its not giving problems at all. As far as that i havent had any issues.
Again thank you, i would never thought it was the 30km version, i mentioned just in case, and .. it was it! xD
PS: i LOVE, the north africa campaign, just LOVE IT. finally a nice excuse to use those pretty desert fashioned 109s!
Thank you monty =) we all owe you the time and effort, really preciate it.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #949 on: March 13, 2014, 10:34:05 PM »

Cool stuff and enjoy! Glad you're up and running! Some campaigns will still struggle with Gurner FX tho, so for the ones that do, just unactivate them in jsgme and then activate the 4.12 fx Monty posted in the first post.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #950 on: March 14, 2014, 04:17:15 AM »

Cool stuff and enjoy! Glad you're up and running! Some campaigns will still struggle with Gurner FX tho, so for the ones that do, just unactivate them in jsgme and then activate the 4.12 fx Monty posted in the first post.

Good to know, i'll keep that in mind, =) im so rediculously happy right now! ear to ear smile, just played a full desert batte, 25 bf109 f2-f4 vs 25 hurricanes-spits, over 1 airfield near to a port with 1 destroyer, lots of AA, lots of aircraft without dropping a single fps!!! the new sound of the Spits shooting at my back IS SO FREAKING SCARYYYYYYY!!!! i just love ittttt!!!
Thank you so much, both to You and mr Monty! Freetrack RULESSS


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #951 on: March 14, 2014, 12:06:53 PM »

Hey would you mind posting how you got free track to work. I've always tried racetrack noir, but actually prefer using the hat switch due to an improper setup.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #952 on: March 14, 2014, 02:07:50 PM »

Hey would you mind posting how you got free track to work. I've always tried racetrack noir, but actually prefer using the hat switch due to an improper setup.

Well, it wasnt easy, mostly because of my old cam -videocam treck genius- and w7, a.k.a driver uncompatiblity. First (in my case) i use the version, it has more stability, and tracking presition. I had to download the treck310 drivers for wVista, then go to device manager and download a generic driver using the windows interface. It downloaded itself -trustedwebcam 1.6.5-, after that i got it to work.
The camera, i modified the lens putting a old cam negative (wanst easy to find), you can use a diskete layer as well.
The exposure was locked by default, i use windows enabler v1.1 to unlock it, then down it to "3". it depens on what camera do you have and the driver itself. the key elemets to get a good point tracking are 3:
1. good leds (ultra bright with the "cap" cutted, or just use square "flat-top" leds) actually cutting the regular shaped led makes a better tracking because it leaves only a small red point for the camera to track.. NO MORE JITTERS - NO MORE TEARS. You can turn your head nearly 100° and still getting a good track.
2. bright setting, i recomend as low as you can, test the tracking device till you see no more stutters nor jitters.
3. contrast, as high as possible but never on 100% as it will ctd. -screen will go full retard.. i mean full red and then CTD.

In the config, to get perfect head tracking, go to setup and put the right meassurements of your home made device, mine was about 10dollars -actually i live in venezuela so it was about 100 bolivares.- (3 ultra brithe leds, 3 220ohm resistors, 1 of thse big square batteries 9v, a switch, and the "case" i made it from an old notebook cover. my distances are 3up-3forward; 4down-4forward.
I recomend the 3 point clip as it alows perfect 6dof and breat tracking, besides simple to made.

Play with the rolling, yaw balance to avoid unwanted translating while rotating, if you get that right, you should have a nearly perfect head tracking, 6dof with the "oh so beloved" real head movement (moving your head to place it in front of the aim, "zooming"* out and in as you where in the aircraft) A.K.A no more "gunsight view"

*Not zooming really, more like head forwards, backwards.

I recomend to get the zooming to 0. so the camera wont "zoom" when you move forward, backward, that way you'll get real fov, and you'll get closer to the reflective aim, but not zooming the image (fairly unrealistic)

the curves, at your taste, i've got them with a tiny tiny tiny dead zone, right in the middle to avoid head shaking.

now what i consider is the most important thing. Dynamic smooth reduction. set it to 40 (full), and the "average" section to 3. that will give you REAL TIME head tracking, no more delais when turning your head, you'll feel literally inside the cockpit, actually the first time i got my cfg to work i could belive it, so cheap and so good.

As soon as i find how to upload the screenshots here ill post my freetrack page =)


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #953 on: March 17, 2014, 02:13:27 PM »

Hello guys, in this time I am playing Whirlwind campaign by Poltava. Somebody know how taking off with whirlwind without going in circles endlessly. Usually I must start take off run with autopilot and then turn it off and go on normally.
Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.




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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #954 on: March 18, 2014, 12:37:23 AM »

Hallo again guys!, quick question:
1. Im using both TFM + TFM-DGEN EXPANSION + NEWTFM Campaigns SAS. Is there a specific order i should enable those? Are they compatible?


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #955 on: March 18, 2014, 09:08:31 AM »

New TFM campaigns go directly in your Missions/Campaigns folder. You don't use jsgme for those.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #956 on: March 18, 2014, 01:58:49 PM »

New TFM campaigns go directly in your Missions/Campaigns folder. You don't use jsgme for those.
Hmm.... well i use jsgme for those and they are working well, i think the jsgme just make it easy to add-remove, because i can play all of those campaigns just fine. 1 question (idk if its related, and i've read that somewhere here but cant remember where), i was going to play the north africa bomber campaign and a weird error showed up, something like: SPITFIREV5 air is missing, Geebee air file will be used instead.. or some thing like that. Why's that?


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #957 on: March 18, 2014, 06:55:33 PM »

I quit using DGen because I always got errors, but you could try going into your #DBW folder and commenting out "-" Pal Mission Pro. This has messed up some of my campaigns, although it is excellent for QMB.


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #958 on: March 19, 2014, 04:06:42 AM »

I quit using DGen because I always got errors, but you could try going into your #DBW folder and commenting out "-" Pal Mission Pro. This has messed up some of my campaigns, although it is excellent for QMB.
+1 Great advice! This is exactly what I recommend with all campaigns.  8)


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Re: New-TFM
« Reply #959 on: March 19, 2014, 08:01:12 AM »

+1 Great advice! This is exactly what I recommend with all campaigns.  8)
Haha I've been trying to help folks out with tech issues :p
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