Hey would you mind posting how you got free track to work. I've always tried racetrack noir, but actually prefer using the hat switch due to an improper setup.
Well, it wasnt easy, mostly because of my old cam -videocam treck genius- and w7, a.k.a driver uncompatiblity. First (in my case) i use the version, it has more stability, and tracking presition. I had to download the treck310 drivers for wVista, then go to device manager and download a generic driver using the windows interface. It downloaded itself -trustedwebcam 1.6.5-, after that i got it to work.
The camera, i modified the lens putting a old cam negative (wanst easy to find), you can use a diskete layer as well.
The exposure was locked by default, i use windows enabler v1.1 to unlock it, then down it to "3". it depens on what camera do you have and the driver itself. the key elemets to get a good point tracking are 3:
1. good leds (ultra bright with the "cap" cutted, or just use square "flat-top" leds) actually cutting the regular shaped led makes a better tracking because it leaves only a small red point for the camera to track.. NO MORE JITTERS - NO MORE TEARS. You can turn your head nearly 100° and still getting a good track.
2. bright setting, i recomend as low as you can, test the tracking device till you see no more stutters nor jitters.
3. contrast, as high as possible but never on 100% as it will ctd. -screen will go full retard.. i mean full red and then CTD.
In the config, to get perfect head tracking, go to setup and put the right meassurements of your home made device, mine was about 10dollars -actually i live in venezuela so it was about 100 bolivares.- (3 ultra brithe leds, 3 220ohm resistors, 1 of thse big square batteries 9v, a switch, and the "case" i made it from an old notebook cover. my distances are 3up-3forward; 4down-4forward.
I recomend the 3 point clip as it alows perfect 6dof and breat tracking, besides simple to made.
Play with the rolling, yaw balance to avoid unwanted translating while rotating, if you get that right, you should have a nearly perfect head tracking, 6dof with the "oh so beloved" real head movement (moving your head to place it in front of the aim, "zooming"* out and in as you where in the aircraft) A.K.A no more "gunsight view"
*Not zooming really, more like head forwards, backwards.
I recomend to get the zooming to 0. so the camera wont "zoom" when you move forward, backward, that way you'll get real fov, and you'll get closer to the reflective aim, but not zooming the image (fairly unrealistic)
the curves, at your taste, i've got them with a tiny tiny tiny dead zone, right in the middle to avoid head shaking.
now what i consider is the most important thing. Dynamic smooth reduction. set it to 40 (full), and the "average" section to 3. that will give you REAL TIME head tracking, no more delais when turning your head, you'll feel literally inside the cockpit, actually the first time i got my cfg to work i could belive it, so cheap and so good.
As soon as i find how to upload the screenshots here ill post my freetrack page =)