Awesome Monty!!! I love your campaigns and can't wait for BoB. Also, this may not be the place, but do you know anything about the next DBW? It would be awesome to see the new-TFM (with all of its campaigns) in stock 4.12.2m DBW. In addition to some other mods of course! :p Anyways keep up the good work and thanks for all of your hard work!
DBW content is being tested and compiled by the excellent team of SAS Modders. However, we do have a good set based on V4:101m, not just New-TFM, but Poltava's SCW and VPmedia's DBW1916 and the original Jetwar1956, all working off the one base.
Its just my own opinion, but consider this: A patched upgraded V4:12m will render all of these campaigns and hundreds of missions completely obselete and un-playable. I know Poltava and myself have done dozens of re-writes just to keep up with the DBW content! Do I want to do a complete rewrite of all this material once again? - Not right now.
When DBW 2.0 is released we may have to consider that Herculean task. However, despite all the new features and a better interface, V4:12m has a long way to go to get anywhere near the content and functionality we currently enjoy in DBW-1916/SCW/TFM/Jetwar.
From WWI to Korea, we have a fantastic flightline and materiel of war, all working and delivering. I really enjoy flying it more than tinkering with it. So personally, I'm in no hurry.