Hi walter,
A little late on my side but here we go:
I got a no go for have the two folders working together!
I add the 7th option as follow
When I run the game in this configuration the game don't recognize the SAS Mods Activator and load as a 412 vanilla C(rashing)T(o)D(esktop) at 60%!
Sounds logical.
The "Files" folder structure differs from the "Mods" folder structure:
In the "Files" folder the mods don't reside in dedicated subfolders, instead they're all located straight in that folder.
For instance all contents of "XTD" and "STD" folders would have to go straight into "#SAS" folder when using this as "Files" folder.
I know it's confusing but that's due to the modding history of IL-2: The very first wrapper worked that way and up to and including HSFX 6 and UP 3 the big mod packs work like that, too.
If I change the two folder in this way:
Mods=#SAS (with the air.ini disabled)
....the game load as SAS Mods Activator but don't recognize the new planes installed into the #SAS_TRAINING folder....
I tried to reproduce but this way it works for me as expected.
Maybe your new planes don't work because "Mods" folder content overrides the "Files" folder one, so each file in "#SAS_TRAINING" will be skipped when a corresponding file in "#SAS" folder exists.
On the other hand, maybe you just missed the point of the different subfolder structure in "Files" folder again.
For instance, in the original "#SAS" folder (using "Mods" folder structure) the air.ini is located at:
whereas in your "#SAS_TRAINING" folder (using "Files" folder structure) it would have to be located at:
(Note the missing "STD" subfolder in the tree)
I don't know how much this would count, but theoretically (benitomuso already did something similar in his TotalMODder) we could use as many "Files" and "Mods" folders as we like, so there could also be two folders where both carry the "Mods" folder structure. This would require another Selector modification, but if it helps, it might be worth the effort.
Best regards - Mike