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Author Topic: SM81 pack - AR125/ GR/ Piaggio/SM81 Early/ SM81bis/ SM81 Late /Sm73 Update 2  (Read 72971 times)

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The problem is not a reverted propeller but a mesh with strange visual effects under some angles - 2 solutions:
1) either modifying the hier.him (of all planes except SM81bis and SM81PXE) entry for
by changing the line
Mesh PropRotS3_D0
with the line
Mesh PropRotS2_D0
2) or more simply:
to copy the file PropRotS2_D0.msh in a temporary folder, rename it PropRotS3_D0.msh and copy it over the current PropRotS3_D0.msh file in your Plane/Sm81 directory



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 :)    :(   

Dreamk, Thanks for the reply, I use DiffFM_410 of 25-12-2010 but not the "epelvier fix mod" .... where I can find it?



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This is really a great addition to IL2, but ...

In the QMB I was attacking some formations and I found that the S.81 seemed to be a very tough bird to shoot down   So I decided to test it.  I attacked one flight of four “Savoia Marchetti S.81 (Alfa Romeo 125), 1936” using a series of different Hurricanes.  I set the S.81 to “Rookie” and the loadout was “none”.  I found the results rather surprising.

Aircraft – weapons – number of hits vs number of rounds fired – Hit per cent – Results
Hurricane I (early) – 8 x .303’s  - 1,343 vs 2,700 –  49% - 1 shot down & 1 run out of fuel (fuel leaks)
Hurricane IIb – 12 x .303’s -  1,800 vs  4,000 – 45% - 2 shot down
Hurricane IIc – 4 x 20mm’s – 192 vs 364 – 52% - 2 shot down
Belgium Hurricane – 4 x 12.7’s – 704 vs 1600 – 44% - 1 shot down
Hurricane IV – 2 X 40mm (explosive rounds) – 18 vs 22 – 81% - 4 shot down
Hurricane II Field Mod – 4 X 20mm ShVAK – 358 vs 680 – 52% - 3 shot down

Also of note was that every S.81 shot down lost the rear Fuselage  before the crew began bailing out … then the S.81 would slowly head down.

By the way I was able to shot down 4 Fiat Br 20’s using the Hurricane I (early) and I had ammo left over.

Also I found the S.79 much easier to shot down than the S.81 … maybe  the damage model for the S.81 should be revisited.

Stefan SG

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This mod works good in 4.12 ModAct 5.11, but AI gunners shoot rarely or generally don't shoot.


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The remarks on the damage model are interesting. If you compare the fmd files of the SM81, Br20 and SM79, you'll see that The fuselage and nose of the Br20 are slightly more resistant than those of the SM 81, though the wings of the 81 are slightly more resistant of those of teh Br20. The difference in vulnerability btween these 2 planes are therefore much more related to the location of the damage collision boxes in the fuselage and wings (fuel tanks for instance) and I am far for sure that the Br20 was tougher than the SM81 (a very rough plane devised for operating in bad environment) in front of enemy fire. Remember that the Japanes, who used the plane, complained about its vulnerability and propension to take fire when shoot at (and this from users whose local produced planes had themselves a well deserved reputation of being "flying lighters"). So the debate remains open...
For the SM79 this is a quite different story - the original fmd of the SM79 is quite exceptional, probably the toughest plane in this game according to its fmd files parameters, much over the level of the Br20 and Sm81 parameters (almost 5-8 times over) - and it's right too, the construction design of this plane made it very difficult to shoot down - and when the plane appeared in this game, there were complaints that this aircraft was "almost impossible to shoot down" with small caliber weapons ( although this was conform to historical reality).

Alfie Noakes

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Thank you DreamK for making my day.....
As a SCW nut I don't know how many HOURS I've spent trying to shoot down SM79's (and recently SM81's) with tip6 and tip 10 I-16's  :(
Now I know it's due to their RHINO like fmd files rather than my usual ineptitude & inaccuracy  :D


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One additional note is that my firing position for Br20, SM79 and SM81 in my test were directly from the six position.  Maybe the results would be different if I was shooting from the side or the nose ... I'll have to revisit this test and try other attack positions    Please note that regarding the small caliber guns even the 4 20mm in the IIc had trouble bringing down the SM81, but the 4 ShVAK's were much more effective.  Also the 4 12.7's in the Belgium Hurricane werr not very effective either.

I'm heading out of town for the week end so I'll have to try this out next week.

Please don't take my remarks as criticism, but as possible suggestions for improvements ... I really love the work you have done and believe all of us "IL2er's" have been greatly blessed by your work!!!    THANK YOU!!!



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Thanks for the skins, Archie.

The OO-AGE is a nice Tintin reference  ;D

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The remarks on the damage model are interesting. If you compare the fmd files of the SM81, Br20 and SM79, you'll see that The fuselage and nose of the Br20 are slightly more resistant than those of the SM 81, though the wings of the 81 are slightly more resistant of those of teh Br20. The difference in vulnerability btween these 2 planes are therefore much more related to the location of the damage collision boxes in the fuselage and wings (fuel tanks for instance) and I am far for sure that the Br20 was tougher than the SM81 (a very rough plane devised for operating in bad environment) in front of enemy fire. Remember that the Japanes, who used the plane, complained about its vulnerability and propension to take fire when shoot at (and this from users whose local produced planes had themselves a well deserved reputation of being "flying lighters"). So the debate remains open...
For the SM79 this is a quite different story - the original fmd of the SM79 is quite exceptional, probably the toughest plane in this game according to its fmd files parameters, much over the level of the Br20 and Sm81 parameters (almost 5-8 times over) - and it's right too, the construction design of this plane made it very difficult to shoot down - and when the plane appeared in this game, there were complaints that this aircraft was "almost impossible to shoot down" with small caliber weapons ( although this was conform to historical reality).

hi DreamK and first of all thks a lot for this superb bunch of italian planes from a forgotten era nevertheless so important for aviation history!
regrading damage model I can bring here my contribution to your attention: tried with 7.7 guns and 20mm cabbons to bring a SM-73 down (unlimited ammo allowed) but there are no sign of damage model. You see small pieces flying off and then, after some thousand bullets the airplane slowly goes down without trailing smoke or something else until it finally touches the ground and explodes without leaving debris of any sort. With the cannon shells , here also a thousand, no apparent damage (other than smaller debris, or smokes) until it suddenly explodes mid air.
I don't know if this is a bug in my install, or if the AM-81 als has the same problems just wanted to report this and hope, if this is a bug of course, you'll have the time one day to solve it.

Once more time a big thanks and best regards!



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Well, as can be seen by looking at the msh file all these planes have the same collision boxes - and the corresponding damage model si defined in the same mother class SM81x - this damage model is copied on the SM79 damage model - what can be a possible explanation is that the parameters for xxarmor are too high.  Here's a file with modified armor parameters, copy it file in your SM81 directory (after renaming and saving the original one), test it and tell us about it.
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