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Author Topic: SM81 pack - AR125/ GR/ Piaggio/SM81 Early/ SM81bis/ SM81 Late /Sm73 Update 2  (Read 72961 times)

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Thks DreamK, will do!


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Hi DreamK, did try your fix, I have however this problem now:

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Once hit (20mm cannons) either the aft half of the fuselage or the outside part of the wings beyond the motor nacellles simply disappear.


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For some reason the game is not reading the Tail1_CAP section of the hier.him - try adding the word "separable" in this entry of the hier.him: (note that for some versions, the mesh file is  tail2_CAP instead of Tail1_Cap). Hope it wil, help. CAP meshes often pl;ay this kind of trick - we add a full discussion with Epervier on that and we are still learning.... :(

Mesh Tail1_CAP
Parent CF_D0
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

so as to get

Mesh Tail1_CAP
Parent CF_D0
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000


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 SM81 BIS PACKAGE Skins Italian and Chinese



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to display the wonderful work of Archie on the Sm81bis you'll need to install first this small update:
open the archive and copy the files in your folder


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Hi DreamK, no way: try on the SM-73 only (so I modified her hier only) but still getting the same prob. One funny thing, when it tpiuches the ground and explodes disappearing what remain, bouncing on the ground, is the pilot!
Anyway, thks for the very nice models and take all your time to improve it whenever you'll have the time.

Best regards,



  • Flying Ass Clown #6
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I corrected all hier.hims of this package, all CAP-entries with the missing "separable", but the problem persists.

There is a second bug, too: This planes never smoke and never burn.

Here some impressions of the disappearing mesh bug :

right landing gear disappeared after hard touchdown:

left wing disappeared after heavy shooting


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right landing gear disappeared after hard touchdown
......it is supposed to be so - the gear was torn away in such harsh meetings with the ground.
Fire and smoke, well I'll get another look at it - I think more and more that it was a mistake to have taken the SM79 damage model a a basios for this mod. I'd have better done adapting the Potez 540 damage model - and maybe I'm goning to do this.....


  • Flying Ass Clown #6
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......it is supposed to be so - the gear was torn away in such harsh meetings with the ground.

I am a littel pedantic  8) and I will never steal your time (I hope so  ;D ) with speculations. I followed the plane with the landing gear issue pedanticely and I can say to you: It was not ripped away because of the hard touch down, it just disappear (by hitting the ground hard), like the tail and wing. First I thought about to mention this case (that the landing gear really just disappear and not ripped away) in my posting above, but I decided, not to mention it.

Your consideration sounds really interesting. I am still a full noob of something like that (damage models) but maybe, it will be better to take the damage model of the Junkers Ju 52 ? Because of this models have pretty similar appearance. So, this will be my noobish imagination for changing the damage model?  :-X

PS: I can say something more about the "none smoking" and "none fire" bug: If the plane crashes onto the ground, fire and smoke of the impact is visible. But when damaged some meshes at the air, maybe through gun fire, there never appeares smoke or fire.

Hope, this can help. :)


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Well in air, smoke and fire will occur only when the engines are hit, and if the bombs are hit then the plane will explode - but when hitting other meshes you'll get only bullet holes and such, or parts flying away if explosive projectiles are employed


  • Flying Ass Clown #6
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smoke and fire will occur only when the engines are hit

;D This I know, SO noobish I am not. The AI aims mainly the engine and while at other planes smoke and/or fire occures, here you can't watch it. When you (all) play this plane? Who of you saw smoke or fire? I can fly and fly an airfight with it, they never smokes or catching fire. And they are very hard to shoot down. Four SM 79 or four CANT 1007 are shot down by four "Spitfire Mk V early" in one minute.
Four SM 81 are hard to knock off the air. Spitfires (MK V early) needs the most of their amunition (ace AI) and five minutes or longer to bring them down (without any smoke or fire while the other mentioned models catch immediately smoke and fire or break into peaces by the Spits canons).


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Ok - Problem solved - the issue was with teh caps meshes (it appears that they must not include any hooks or collision, if not they hamper the activation of teh damage model). Simialrly the new hier him enable activation of teh cap files (fopr teh record, the separable must be added to the D1, D2, D3 entries, NOT to the Cap mesh entry).
I added a modified java file (optional) for those who consider thsi aircarft to resistant to small caliber hits. I tested it with I15M22, I16type 10, PZL24F and Bf109B2 - The plane can be shot down quiet fast by all these planes - as usual with bombers, attacking by the rear focusing on the fuselage and killing the crews is recommended tactic (RAF dixit).
Update 2: revised damage model
Optional java:
Edited CAP meshes and hier him (and enhanced WingLin and WingRIn meshes)
The new java file is optional (more vulnerable to small caliber hits) but the reworked CAPS files, the edited Hier.him files and the new wingroots meshes are essential to get all the damage model effects)

Itested it with I15M22, I16type 10, PZL24F and Bf109B2 - The plane can be shot down in reasonable time by all these planes - as usual with bombers, attacking by the rear focusing on the fuselage and killing the crews is recommended tactic (RAF dixit).
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